A Conversation for The Contest

The Contest

Post 1

The 1 and only Elkherd

We'll go first, cos it was my idea. Band: Led Zeppelin (easy one to start you off, Madmunk). Line: "Rockin' in the brain." (Ohh... aren't I evil?)

The Contest

Post 2


Oh great... now i have to go through my Remasters album..... sorry... pass.

The Contest

Post 3


Right, here's one for you.... quite easy, if your a fan....
Hendrix: "I'm standing next to a mountain...."

The Contest

Post 4

The 1 and only Elkherd

Are you allowed to pass???

Oh great, now I'vbe got to go and check my Ultimate Experience album.

The Contest

Post 5

Mark B

Rule development: You MAY NOT PASS GO! The rules stand. Any objections? Right, that's it then... Proceed

The Contest

Post 6


Oh dear.... What on earth am i s'posed to now? I'll have to actually think fer a change....

The Contest

Post 7

The 1 and only Elkherd

I'll give you a clue. Its off 'Houses of the Holy'.

The Contest

Post 8


Ahh, right, good, i'll get back to you in a minute then. smiley - smiley

The Contest

Post 9


okay, i've listened over 11 times now, and i keep getting lost in the music, and so missing the words.... i'll get it this time.... i gotta......

The Contest

Post 10

The 1 and only Elkherd

Its from a verse...

The Contest

Post 11

Mark B

I'll make it easier, try my one you guys: NOFX: 'Whatever Didi wants...' Try that one on for size for the starter. Also, I was in Metal Hammer this month - who want's to touch me? (see Spikeymark Entry on Slipknot)

The Contest

Post 12

The 1 and only Elkherd

But the only mention of Slipknot in the guide is this, and something I said under best metal band...

(His letter wasn't that impressive, anyway. He'll tell you he shook hands with one of Biohazard next "who wants to touch me" etc. )

The Contest

Post 13

Mark B

I shook hands with biohazard! Whao wants to touch me!?! Ah, er... I see... ... ... Nevermind.smiley - winkeye

The Contest

Post 14


our team is winning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Contest

Post 15

The 1 and only Elkherd

Are we?

Madmunk's line "I'm Standing Next to a Mountain" apparently comes from voodoo child (But I cannot confirm it due to the state of my father's Jimi Hendrix collection).

The Contest

Post 16


Yes, it does... but you still havn't given me a next line, so it's still a draw......

The Contest

Post 17


can someone explain whats going on here?
-saffiresmiley - bigeyes

The Contest

Post 18


If only i knew........ smiley - winkeye

The Contest

Post 19

Mark B

People wanna know how come... (Korn and Chino Moreno), I'm just having fun, its the taking part that countssmiley - bigeyes, anyway, Elk, what is your dads Jimi collection, one record entitled Jimi Hendrix's greatest hits?smiley - winkeye Ha HA!

The Contest

Post 20

The 1 and only Elkherd

PM, I believe that was the point I was myself making.

This sucks. We could change to something more interesting, or stop.

"Rockin in the Brain" comes from the ocean, by the way.

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