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Cool Dude!!!
Drool Frood the Second Started conversation Sep 7, 1999
Hey,How ya doin!!
I love magic and I think anyone that can do it well is brill!!!
Anyway I found you wandering on the dangerous drink forum and I wanted to ask why anyone would want to get drunk without actually drinking anything.I thought it was all part of the know go out drink loads,smoke loads,talk to people you wouldn't normally be seen dead with,get a kebab on the way home,fall over several times on the way home,Get home attempt to eat kebab and fall asleep while
doing that.Wake up later freezing cold and covered in chilli sauce.
(The rest of said kebab having been eaten by the dog!!!
Its fun!!!!-well the hangover isn't but if you drink a pint and a half of water (you have to force yourself) you wake up feeling fine
if a bit jaded!!!!!
Tell me about the magic!!!!
Number Crunch Posted Sep 14, 1999
Uh...OK, magic. Well, magic is a lot more down to Earth and plausible than most people say. It's basically a manifestation of mental and psychological force in the physical world. With your mind you can do anything, and that's what magic is all about - changing the physical world with your mind. Lighting candles and chanting and all that stuff is just a way of getting yourself in the right frame of mind and bringing your powers to the fore. That's why it's best to design your own rituals.
I'm only a beginner myself really - the ancient Druids had to train for 20 years before they were pronounced fully versed. Magic affects everyone's lives, even if they don't do it. That's why I reckon it should be taught in schools, the trouble is that magic will probably never be scientifically proven because it is not a physical phenomenon.
Oh well, there you go. That's the absolute rock bottom basics anyway. Hope you found it interesting.
Number Crunch.
Drool Frood the Second Posted Sep 14, 1999
Thanks number crunch.
Can't stop now -Hometime!!!!!
Speak to you soon.
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Cool Dude!!!
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