This is the Message Centre for chorlton

radio star

Post 1


Me and Sarah( youngest)were interviewed at the school this morning by radio Bristol about ignorant idiots parking on the yellow lines outside our school. If you listen tomorrow morning here

you might hear us

radio star

Post 2

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart

smiley - applause

radio star

Post 3

airscotia-back by popular demand

Wahay...well done Little old lady, i'll cast an ear over that as i drive down to Dorset tomorrow morning smiley - cheers

radio star

Post 4


I think it's online or digital, not sure what time though. How's you then Air. No offence but I always think of you when time team is on!

c x

radio star

Post 5

airscotia-back by popular demand

Cos i'm an old artifact? smiley - laugh

Good ta Chorlton smiley - cheers Can't wait to hear your voice, been a while since i heard the Brizzle accent smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

radio star

Post 6

Researcher 1214535

Hi Chorlton ... long time no speak eh?
Glad to hear you've found fame at last! I doubt I'll get the chance to listen in but well done for speaking up anyway - it's a nightmare here with folks parking at the end of my road, opposite the school, but across corners, double parking - the lot! Most of them need taking out and shooting!

Anyway, hope you and yours are all well - catch up soon,
smiley - hug

radio star

Post 7


Hi Muv!

If only we had the courage to go up to these people and say OI! NO

How are you then sweetie? we have a new kitten (we lost baggy the one eyed ugly bugger smiley - wah) and now have a ball of tabby fluff that attacks your feet!

Busy with school and stuff and applying for psychi nurse training but heard nothing yet. Lovely holiday in barcelona last month. oooh and we got a new fire!

So what is your news?

c x

radio star

Post 8


smiley - applause

Good stuff!

radio star

Post 9


Sarah was in it but luckily I got edited out! you'll have to wait a little longer to hear my queens english

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