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Xmas eve eve eve

Post 1


My smiley - xmastree has no needles smiley - wah I grumbled that it was £15 and I hadn't had it a week till my husband said 'well phone the blinking garden centre then' so i did and they were lovely and i'm picking up a brand new 8ft one tomorrow smiley - magic. Why do I have such a fear of complaining? So tonight I have to take all my trimmings down and get to do it all again tomorrow!

Happy Xmas to you allsmiley - cracker and thanks for all the fun and interesting conversations I've had this year!

vicky xxx

Xmas eve eve eve

Post 2


Odd smiley - xmastree

Take care and have a very merry one eh!

smiley - smooch

Xmas eve eve eve

Post 3

Researcher 1214535

ooooh, bad luck with the smiley - xmastree Chortlon but think of the fun the girls will have doing it all twice in one year!

Hope you all have a great time ... catch up soon
smiley - hug

Xmas eve eve eve

Post 4

airscotia-back by popular demand

Lucky devil, getting to decorate the tree twice.smiley - winkeye

I expect you've already heard of this one, but a good way of getting the kids to bed tomorrow night is to show them how close Santa is to arriving

I'm actually watching the site at the moment, waiting for Santa to set off from the North Pole.smiley - blush.........13 minutes to go.

Xmas eve eve eve

Post 5

aka Bel - A87832164

Hi chorlton, I managed to completely miss this journal smiley - blush
Glad you'll have another smiley - xmastree, Ihope ours will be ok, I bought it two weeks ago, it's been on the balcony ever since and I have no idea what it will look like -surprise, surprise smiley - biggrin

Xmas eve eve eve

Post 6


Hello All

Well the continuing saga off the tree! The one they gave me was beautiful but about 9 foot high and cos I only had the other one in a tiny little bucket it was totally inadequate for this one. its fallen over three times and is now wedged into a huge recycling box with about 20 bricks. i've put all the tinsel and stuff on again and no one is allowed near it!

Artificial next year I think smiley - laugh

Off to make chocolate smiley - cake now.

Festive wishes to one and all
c x

Xmas eve eve eve

Post 7

aka Bel - A87832164

Funny the smiley - xmastrees are causing so much troule, isn't it ? Hubby didn't put ours up, saying nobody was interested anyway, and we'd rather skip christmas alltogether - just because our small son has gone to see his friend and exchange smiley - gifts with him, and because I said there was no need to move the table, it has been in its place last year without getting in the way of the smiley - xmastree. Now hubby's in a bad mood - I don't understand it. smiley - erm

Xmas eve eve eve

Post 8


Hey Chorlton, our tree is wedged in a recycling box with a bunch of bricks too!

Just checked NORAD - smiley - santa is currently in Cairo, Egypt......I remember when I was about 8 years old in America watching tv - the local news came on, and the news readers said that smiley - santa was entering the area, so all the kids had to go to bed........I ran into the room where my parents and relatives were and told them that I HAD to go to bed immediately! My Mum has never seen me go to bed so early on xmas eve!
Merry Christmas everybody!

Xmas eve eve eve

Post 9

Researcher 1214535

hi all smiley - hug

check out and you can see if you're on the *naughty or nice* list before it's too late!!

Merry Christmas smiley - cracker

Xmas eve eve eve

Post 10

aka Bel - A87832164

Our smiley - xmastree toppled last night, now the carpet ois wet and sticky from the glycerine water smiley - wah
I think I'll get rid of thid tree come Tuesday smiley - erm

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