This is the Message Centre for chorlton


Post 61

aka Bel - A87832164

Yes, it's probably because of the rind I never liked it smiley - smiley


Post 62


Well B'Elana, I have been known to pick the rind out before eating marmalade on toast! Ooh, and just to continue the funny food, or funny WITH food conversation, I pick the raisins/sultanas out of scones and tea caked too (tee hee). I'm convined I was injured by fruit pieces as a child smiley - tongueout


Post 63


Sorry, spelling has gone to hell - had a bad day!


Post 64

aka Bel - A87832164

My typing has never been perfect, so don't worry smiley - smiley
No problems with raisins in bread or cake, but I despise them when cooked smiley - yuk


Post 65


I could eat handfulls of raisins! I love the peel in marmalade but if there's candied peel in fruit cake I have to pick it out. I'm actually scared of peaches smiley - yikes I can't bear to even see one smiley - yuk it's the skin. Maybe I was scared by one as a child too Jem!

Off to watch Dragons Den, see you later

c x


Post 66

aka Bel - A87832164

I can eat dry raisins, or raisins in bakery products, just not boiled raisins. And I hate the skin of peaches ( apricots come very near it, too), but I love nectarines - peaches with a skin like an apple.
See you later chorlton smiley - towel


Post 67


Why on earth would asnyone boil a raisin? smiley - yikes

Sounds suspiciously like a deranged chef that one does smiley - erm


Post 68


Scared of peaches Chorlton?! I can imagine how the skin freaks you out though. And there was me thinking I was odd! Definitely something scared the hell out of us in our childhoods fruitwise! I'll have to ask my Mum smiley - winkeye


Post 69


I've always been really nervous of balloons and it wasn't til my eldest was about two and my mum saw her with one. Mum jumped up and took it off of her and said that if it popped Min might swallow a bit of the rubber and choke! See I was scared for life! That doesn't explain peaces or escalators though smiley - erm

c x


Post 70


So how about the shops that advertise shirts made with a "peach skin" fabric smiley - winkeyesmiley - erm


Post 71


smiley - yuk I couldn't think of anything worse, except maybe biting wet wooly gloves smiley - run


Post 72


Ewwwwwww - horrible for sure - takes me back to me childhood!! smiley - rofl


Post 73


Did you have to eat a lot of gloves shhh?


Post 74


the gloves went wrong when they started making them from synthetic fabrics!!! smiley - erm

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