A Conversation for Fifth Annual H2G2 Academy Awards Nominations Page

Your nominations for best film

Post 1

Demon Drawer

Horray no Hobbit's this year.

Letys have your three nominations for Best Film.

Closing date for nominations 30 January.

Your nominations for best film

Post 2


I only have two: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Sideways. The rest I either haven't seen or didn't like.

Your nominations for best film

Post 3

Demon Drawer

It doesn't ahve to be on any list, as long as you saw it and like it. smiley - smiley

smiley - devil

Your nominations for best film

Post 4


Okay then, I also nominate The Life Aquatic, directed by Wes Anderson--whose hat I will toss in the director's ring.

Your nominations for best film

Post 5

thelostgeographer: off to the States, see my journal for periodic goings-on!

Eternal Sunshine

Finding Neverland

Merchant of Venice

Your nominations for best film

Post 6


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Your nominations for best film

Post 7


Wooo...revised nominatons for me:

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
House of Flying Daggers

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