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Max Raabe

Post 1


I've just done a search of the Guide and am surprised, nay, astonished to discover that noone here seems to have come across a delightful musician by the name of Max Raabe.

How can this be? Well-known in my part of the world for "Kein Schwein ruft mich an" ("No swine calls me") and a cover of "Oops! I did it again" which shows that, whatever one might think of Britney Spears (as little as humanly possible in my case), the song itself is a real cracker. A performer of music from, and in the style of, the 1920s and 30s, with a sly wit and irony in his performances, I defy anyone to listen to his covers of songs like "We Will Rock You", "Sex Bomb", "Super Trouper" and others and not grin.

Perhaps I should write a Guide entry?

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