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My name's Alice, too

Post 1

Researcher 53648

Searching for Alice on the websearch thing came up with you. Hello. My name's Alice aswell. This is starting to get rather boring as noone writes back (I've been on it all of 6 seconds). See ya. Al


Post 2

Researcher 43259

Guess what - I'm another Alice. I like 'Alys' as a spelling very much - very medieval. I was named after my great-grandmother, but I don't feel the name suits me very well. What are other Alices' experiences of their name?

My name's Alice, too

Post 3


Hi Al. I *really* should have checked back here sooner. smiley - smiley I see from your page that you haven't been around much recently. I hope you're still having fun on the internet.


Post 4


"Medieval" - that's exactly why I chose to spell my name like that! The legally accurate spelling is "Alice" but I don't like it much. Too dull.

Naturally I suffered through a lot of Alice in Wonderland jokes when I was a child. [sigh] It didn't help that I was specifically named after her. smiley - smiley It also didn't help that my surname rhymes perfectly with "Alice," which lead to years of high-school torment with mangled versions of my name being turned into chants. Children can be so cruel. I'm still planning vengeance. smiley - smiley

One thing I do like about the name is that Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels speak of a damn cool witch called Black Alis. I like black. I'd like luring children into gingerbread cottages. She's such a good role model.

There's a web site called that has information about people's names, including where they came from and a forum with people's comments. Kinda interesting. Try this if you're curious about people's opinions of "Alice":

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