This is the Message Centre for Phantom

First Journal

Post 1


Okay there has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth but this journal does now seem to work. Hurray and thanks to Jim L and Peet for this.

Note to all others, don't sign up via Points of View, you don't get full functionality, only sign up via h2g2.

First Journal

Post 2


Details, please along the lines of "Dear Diary..."

First Journal

Post 3


Hi Martine, this is really dull but you asked smiley - cool

I originally signed up to the new DNA business (did not know that this was anything other than that which you find at a crime scene - hmmnnnnnsmiley - winkeye) when Points of View was re-launched, much as ML is about to face.

Thinks, very cutting edge, get used to it, however POV is very dull and the set up is not nice at all, lets just hope TB etc is far better when it comes. Prefer C19 by far to the POV set up smiley - sadface.

Anyway, with the changes re-activated this account and went over to h2g2 - problem is they don't tell you that the POV set up gives you an inferior account, with no Journal and various other problems.

Nearly total consensus amongst techies was it can't be fixed, you need a new account, grrrrrr, so Phantom 2 is created and lives here: U1485159

However, Peet has a contact called Jim, who's a real top gun, shazam instant fix. Soooooooo, I'm back home in Phantom Towers.

Will keep Phantie 2 till I'm certain this works. Of course as I'm writing this journal it appears to be working.

What a kerfuffle, message to all who have not yet signed up but are thinking about it, do it from h2g2 nowhere else!

I guess the upside is that the pioneers from ML should help to clear the path for later.

I now know more about DNA and sign up than I ever wanted to smiley - choc and I'm not even keen on chocolate!

smiley - cheers

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