This is the Message Centre for lil_emily

a poem from my mate

Post 1


Smiling is infectious

You catch it like the flu

When someone smiled at me today

I started smiling too

I walked around the corner

And someone saw me grin

When he smiled I realised

I had passed it on to him

I thought about the smile

And then realised its worth

A single smile like mine

Could travel round the earth

So if you feel a smile begin

Don't leave it undetected

Start an epidemic

And get the world infected

a poem from my mate

Post 2


nice poem, so by that logic...
smiley - smiley
I've started an epidemic!! I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not but it doesn't matter!
Anyway, how are you doing today?


a poem from my mate

Post 3


im gr8 ty and how r u?

a poem from my mate

Post 4


lol smiling is gd smiley - biggrin it makes ppl happy

a poem from my mate

Post 5


smiley - biggrin indeed it does!
I'm doing pretty well thanks, I just have loaaaaaaaads of work to get done for next week AND I'm playing in a gig this evening so have rehersals for most of the afternoon smiley - sadface Very busy weekend!


a poem from my mate

Post 6


lol thats gd

a poem from my mate

Post 7


well I'm back from the gig now... it went really well; I think it is the best I've ever played smiley - biggrin
However, I have so far managed to avoid my work like the plague so have it all to do tomorrow smiley - sadface
What have you been up to this weekend? Anything interesting?


a poem from my mate

Post 8


all ive bin doing is work and im a full time student so that kinda takes up all of my time. kool do u play in a band? and im glad it went well smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

a poem from my mate

Post 9


I'm a full time student as well, in my last year of Secondary school, then I'm going to Uni next year, though it seems weird that I am actually close to heading off to uni!
I do play in a few bands with the local music centre and a few with my mates.


a poem from my mate

Post 10


way cool smiley - smiley, so are you studing music? and do u mind me asking what sort of music you play? cos i like all sorts of music n luv to hear people live.not of the fake stuff lolsmiley - tongueout

a poem from my mate

Post 11


i had to work on my day of from college lol

a poem from my mate

Post 12


nite nite gottta get sleep college in morning

a poem from my mate

Post 13


nah I don't study music; I'm currently taking A-levels in Biology, Maths, History and Philosophy and Ethics. Music is just something i do for fun! I play the trombone, so am in brass and jazz bands as well as the school orchestra. I used to sing as well but haven't done that in a while. A few of my mates and I are trying to set up a rock group but I doubt it'll go ahead; the others aren't really all that enthusiasitc smiley - sadface
Do you play any instruments or sing?


a poem from my mate

Post 14


kool im doing biology in ma course. And as for playing i cant play at all but i like to hear people practise n stuff sounds soooo kool

a poem from my mate

Post 15


n sorry i aint bin on for a bit bin busy with work n college stuff

a poem from my mate

Post 16


no worries; I know the feeling! One of my friends from this site hasn't been on in over a month now she has been so busy!

I'm just back from a party and am very tired! I think I'll sleep till about 11-12 tomorrow! I love the holidays smiley - biggrin


a poem from my mate

Post 17


merry x-mas for yesterday. hope u ad fun and got wot u wantedsmiley - biggrin

a poem from my mate

Post 18


Merry x-mas to you too smiley - biggrin
I had a great time thanks; my family were all round and it was a great day with lots of good food!
How about you? Did you have a good time? Have you got any plans for the New Year?


a poem from my mate

Post 19


kool i ad a good 1 too. new year im gonna go 2 mi auntys for a partyyyyyyyyyyy. ( try not 2 get drunk). bring on 2005

a poem from my mate

Post 20


kool, sounds gd

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