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Know the Risk - Computer Viruses

Post 1


I have dusted off the old, XP-running Toshiba laptop in the hopes of running some very basic music editing software on it. (My linux-running Asus just doesn't do music...)

As it turns out, the DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) software installer I want to use needs to be connected to the internet for installation.

The anti virus software is, in the best case, outdated. What risks of catching a virus do I have if I hook up to the net just once and let the installer do its thing?

Know the Risk - Computer Viruses

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

You should be OK.

The main way that computers catch viruses from the internet is by browsing to sites that have viruses on them or by receiving e-mails that have viruses in them. You won't be doing either of these.

Know the Risk - Computer Viruses

Post 3


Of course, worms are a different issue. I trust you are doing this behind some sort of firewall that blocks incoming connections?

Know the Risk - Computer Viruses

Post 4


Buggered if I know. I would only go online for a few minutes. Anyway. I found that the software provider is not providing the software anymore anyway. So it's back to just getting real software without being online...

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