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House M.D "No Reason"

Post 1


I do not know how many of you people watch House here, but I have a question and I couldn't find any answer to it on the web.
In the final episode of season 2 "No Reason",House does some math on the glass wall to see if he is in an hallucination or not.
In the end,when he finishes solving his equation,he says "That does not make sense." And concludes that he's hallucinating.
(You know,like that ever-turning spinner in the Inception movie.)

So my question is,is there really something like that? I mean like " the most basic assumptions of maths" or something ? Maybe like "the first axioms of maths" ? Which we can write it down and say "Well,that does make sense." ?

House M.D "No Reason"

Post 2

Icy North

Why not try to prove a result you know to be true.

You could use all that formal logic stuff with upside down A and E symbols and greek letters and stuff, but proving a simple algebraical identity by induction, say, is easier and would at least show your reasoning skills were ok.

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House M.D "No Reason"

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