A Conversation for Talking Point: Fantasy 'Band Aid' Line-Ups!

Band-Aid 17 The Helpful Dead

Post 1


What would Band-Aid be without helping the less fortunate around the world? And who could be less fortunate than the dead?

Band-Aid 17 gathered as many dead musicians as possible to help out the dead all around the world.

The line-up?

Frank Sinatra
John Lennon
Johnny Cash
Jim Morrison
Judy Garland
Kurt Cobain
Sonny Bono
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Jeff Buckley
George Harrison
Jerry Garcia
Jimi Hendrix
Brian Jones
Jimmy McCulloch
Keith Moon
Notorious BIG
Frank Zappa

and of course...

Bono and Bananarama

Band-Aid 17 The Helpful Dead

Post 2


I can just picture Judy Garland and Kurt Kobain harmonising..! smiley - laugh


Band-Aid 17 The Helpful Dead

Post 3

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

smiley - erm Freddie Mercury busy that day, was he? smiley - biggrin

Band-Aid 17 The Helpful Dead

Post 4

Steve K.

Just a tip from rock critic Lester Bangs in a posthumous memo dated Jan '86:

"You know that jive about 'If there's a rock & roll heaven, they must have a hell of a band'? Don't believe it, pal. All the talent went straight to hell. All of it. The big acts up here are Jim Croce, Karen Carpenter, Cass Elliot, and ... especially ... Bobby Bloom! It's a nightmare. If I have to hear that f*****g 'Montego Bay' even one more time, I may kill mysel ...(ah, s**t, keep forgetting)."

Band-Aid 17 The Helpful Dead

Post 5


I believe that, but who said that those from Hell culdn't be in Band-Aid. Maybe that could be one of their punishments. I mean really, could you see Kurt Cobain or Jim Morrison willingly doing a Band-Aid recording?

Band-Aid 17 The Helpful Dead

Post 6


Frito - kurt would, definately - he cared about people

Band-Aid 17 The Helpful Dead

Post 7


My apologies, then.

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