This is the Message Centre for Leowainwright


Post 1


Hi Leo,

I've just approved your membership to H2T. So welcome aboard and apologies for the delay.

H2T is mostly about short story writing.

It's a friendly place. We're all passionate about writing but we don't go in for flaming, trolling etc.

We submit stories monthly to the threads on the H2T Homepage. January's optional theme is Greed, Gluttony and Pride. Deadline 31st January 2005. A condition of H2T membership is that members review at least four stories posted to the monthly thread. This means that you'll be fairly much guaranteed honest, constructive and structured feedback on your work.

The H2T Mainline is where we socialise and talk about everything from writing technique to total rubbish.

We had our first H2T gathering in London in December 2004. A good time was had by all. So another is planned for Feb/Mar 2005.

Please drop by the H2T Mainline and introduce yourself - you can pick up the Mainline from the H2T Homepage.

Hope to see you around soon.



Post 2


Many thanks. I will certainly drop by H2T mainline shortly, and I see what I can do with this month's theme before the deadline.


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