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Post 1


Hello Leo,

I've just read your piece "Random". I must say I was surprised to see it in the Drama Scripts section, as it is really a piece of short fiction.

A really good piece of short fiction.

I'm afraid I can't give you any constructive criticism, as I thought it was so good and profound. (maybe that is constructive)

That's all I wanted to say, really.

Keep up the good work.


P.s. I wrote a piece on a similar theme in verse.


Post 2


Thanks, I'm glad it struck a chord with you too. Being in the drama section was just me clicking the wrong button when I submitted it (or the website being a bit random). I have now (I hope) moved it to the short fiction section, which I intended all along.

I will have a look at your piece and let you know what I think.



Post 3


Hello Leo

Many thanks for having a look at "God and the Devil Went Walking".

I appreciate your comments on it and after reading it again, I think you may have some valid points.

I don't consider myself a poet, but as I'm interested in all genres of the written word, I like to have a crack at everything.

Look forward to seeing more of your work.

Happy New Year.


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