This is the Message Centre for Slapjack


Post 1


I was shoving off, not arguing. You'll note that I've already argued and people have quoted me out of context repeatedly. If you want proof of something that can be tested after reading my PS about the birthday coincidence in detail, what I've said is that the 'supernatural' thread you may find in my conversations is numbered in your browser in such a way that you may call me by prefixing 610 to the number you get by subtracting 1 from the next-to-last digit. I didn't read where you live, but if you're not in the USA, I guess that means you have to add a country code.

4:30PM my time only, and only the next three days.


Post 2


I was joking, not arguing. My joke referred to a post in which you were quoting, not arguing.smiley - smiley

You quoted Gauss; I quoted Leonardo. Let's call the whole thing off.smiley - musicalnote


Post 3


For some reason, I thought you hadn't replied yet (The way I've been handling this with my conversation list is that people checking only me out won't know this exists.) Anyway, assuming there's nothing wrong with the connection and you want to confirm the coincidence, you have the wherewithal. Sorry, but no reversing of charges, because of my living arrangements. I could just say, "Contact. Yes, it's me Julzes." You could hang up with just a one minute charge.


Post 4


Why would you want to hide a conversation such as this? I certainly have nothing to hide. I'm just playing.smiley - erm

don't wait up for a phone call, by the way. I'm not particularly interested in moving to a new level.


Post 5


Okay. Then still no witness to the matter. Just a lot of certain people and some...I don't know...scared people.


Post 6


smiley - erm I'll confess, for a moment of seriousness, that I'm really not sure what you're trying to argue.smiley - erm

except that god is an alien civilization which put some codes into the number of fingers we've got to show us when we (you?) got smart enough to understand that god is an alien civilization which put some codes . . . etc.

and a bunch of mathematical synchronicity.

I seem to remember something back when Gould was alive about how the number of digits we have was, as far as all evidence suggests, the result of a random event back when vertebrates still were confined to the sea. So, is what you're really saying fundamentally nothing more than that an alien civilization plopped a metaphoric black obilisk down into Devonian seas and (genetically) lopped off all but five of our ancestor's digits?

But, to be honest, I'm not horribly interested. I'd rather just make jokes.smiley - smiley


Post 7


I see that you're pretty close to what I say (without a lot of detail), and that you'd rather make jokes, which is fine. Your being uninterested spares me to concentrate on this some other time.smiley - smiley


Post 8


fair 'nuff.smiley - ok

I think I'll go take care of stuff in the real world for a while.smiley - smiley


Post 9


Some of the mathematical synchronicity involves the number 365.25, so there is a real timing issue off the bat. In that sense and others, it seems unlikely that the code was simply placed and left to work itself out, but I can't be positive right now. The me thing is weird on this end, but comprehensible. That's all, now. If you become interested, you can follow things, so I'll be pushing off.

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