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Cake's Log

Post 1

Mrs Cake

Stardate 130999

Zoe Ball induced joy was a bit premature. She is not leaving for six months. B****r. Rumour is she will be replaced by Sara Cox. Not sure that is much of an improvement. May stick with Darryl Denham.

Football induced optimism was also a bit premature. Got beaten 2-0. By Everton. Oh, the shame. Still, it could be worse. My grandfather was a Unitedite, he could have taken me over to the dark side.

College starts today. Have not read any of my new books. Am not ready to start yet. Can we have a longer summer holiday? Will now be off work on Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays, to accommodate 'learning experience'. Am also going on Monday, but after work. Looking forward to seeing mates I have not seen since May. Might even be able to gloat (inwardly of course) over exam results. Although didn't do too well, from what I have been told most people did worse. Unfortunately, most of mates are not doing same courses as me this year, so will not be able to get together for a good chat. Also, as lessons are only two hours long, probably no break, so no opportunity for good chat.

Have had to do work at work today. Quite a lot of it. 30+ letters. Disgraceful. Especially for a Monday. Just want to go to sleep. Instead have to work.

Finished A Game of Thrones last night. Excellent book. Started straight away on second in series (A Clash of Kings?). This is why am tired today. Must learn to go to be before midnight on Sunday.

Finished C is for Corpse at dinner (Pasta Italienne). Is good. Did not manage to work it out until quite near end, had suspicions, but not definite until a few seconds before Kinsey realised.

Will have to start reading text books at dinner for while now. Very dull. Am also abandoning quote of the day in favour of case of the day. Maybe will help me remember them. Have to remember years this time as well, which is extremely unhelpful.

Have job interview tomorrow. Not looking forward to it. Will try and find place tonight as is quite close to college. Best to make sure know where it is, rather than sit in car park for half an hour, or be late.

Weekend was pretty dull. Apart from football, went supermarket shopping, read, played Theme Hospital (stuck on last level), watched motor racing (Hakkinen cried, Frentzen won). Managed to reach M for Manson (or is it Mansun?) in CDs. Now over half way to the end. Has only taken over a month! Stripped wallpaper off bottom half of walls and painted plaster blue - now Mulder and Scully are thwarted, I've got there before them. Less mess and the pleasure of seeing them trying to scrape plaster off the walls with their teeth. Serves the little b****rs right.

Sister must be in love with Bloke 2. He shot a pigeon and she ate some of it because he asked her to. I don't have as much against shooting pigeons as I have shooting rabbits, but I still wouldn't eat one. Then again, I knew she was mad about him (even though she denies it) ages ago, because she talks about nothing else.

Still more work to do and only 45 minutes to go. Have to leave on time today, to get tea before going to college.

Cake s.o.

Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co

THE contract law case.

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