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Cake's Log

Post 1

Mrs Cake

Stardate 260899

Well yesterday was a bit of a mix. Successful from a sister-car-shopping point of view, disastrous from a football point of view.

Awoke reasonably early, to find bathroom occupied by aforementioned sister. For quarter of an hour. Still managed to be ready to leave quarter of an hour before sister.

We made our way in the Mighty Mini to a local Rover dealership, which we had already visited twice. Choosing a young salesman my sister acquired the keys to a Rover 200 and we took it for a test drive. For an hour. She decided she liked it and returned it to the showroom. The salesman looked mighty relieved to see us. It's amazing how easy it is to get a test drive in a vehicle that is retailing for almost £8,000. Spent almost an hour filling in forms so that sister can acquire ownership of the car.

She has decided the salesman is perfect for me and she will ask him out when she goes to pick up the car. Bet she doesn't. He has an extremely nasty anorak anyway, so I'm not that interested.

Went to Meadowhell. It was too late for breakfast at Maccy D's, so we waited a while and had dinner at Mamma's instead. Veg lasagne & chips. Lovely stuff.

Sister purchased a Hong Kong Phooey t-shirt, and I got an index book for my college course.

Got bored of shopping quite quickly and decided to leave.

Went to college where I enroled for my next courses - Matrimonial Law and Contract Law. Exciting or what. It seems that most of my classmates either failed, or only just passed their last set of exams - much like myself. Made me feel a little bit better about my lowly grades.

Made our way down to Hillsborough where sister got a ticket for the nights entertainment and we had a wander around the club shop. Didn't buy anything of course, there's nothing worth buying. Unless you'd like a ceramic Danny Wilson or a swimsuit with an owl embroidered on it.

Dropped in at father's place of work and picked up Sam. He is in the midst of a fight for who is top dog with new pup Jud, who is bigger than him, despite only being 9 months old. Sam is currently still winning, but it's only a matter of time.

Watched Mall Rats on video to while away a couple of hours before it was time to leave for the match.

Had to stop off at Maccy D's on the way to the match for sister to get herself a couple of cheeseburgers, and then onwards to Hillsborough. After that, things went downhill surprisingly quickly.

Lost Des, Builder & Jonk through injuries, and lost the match through being crap. Crowd have started singing sack the board. Takes me back a few years to the days of Bert McGee, when happy days were just around the corner and Hirsty only weighed 11 stone.

Looking on the bright side, which you have to do when you support Wednesday for any length of time (if you don't you won't last long), Nolan is looks to be coming on well after his injury, and Cresswell looked pretty good. We still didn't score though. You'd have thought with spending £5m on strikers, we'd have no trouble scoring goals. You'd be wrong though. Still, it's the first home reserves on Tuesday night, so there's something to look forward to.

Finished off the night by watching Match of the Day. Would quite like to punch Linekar. And Hanson. Quite glad that events at Newcastle are overshadowing our current plight. Maybe we can sort ourselves out before anyone notices they can beat us without even trying.

Today has been same old same old. Get up, go to work, do not much, go to dinner (Southern States of America theme day in the canteen - chicken fajitas and spicy potato wedges - fannnnntasssstic), back to work, don't do much, to be shortly followed by go home. Still, I have snowboarding to look forward to tonight. Broken bones and bruised bum cheeks - wahey.

Cake s.o.

"chocolate for brains"

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