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Cake's Log
Mrs Cake Started conversation Aug 24, 1999
Star date 240899
Disappointment in the canteen yesterday. No Pasta Italienne. Had to make do with Pasta & Bean Bake. Special treat today though, they have Cheese & Pepper Pizza. Not that it is actually a member of the pizza family. It's more like pastry with melted cheese and a few chopped up vegetables on top. I love canteen food (as can be evidenced by my ever expanding waistline). It's like school dinners, but nice. An abundance of comfort food.
Did more car shopping with sister yesterday. Went to the same place twice to look at the same car. She eventually decided she didn't like it - it's got two scratches on the bonnet and strange plastic things glued to the windows.
She is trying to resist the urge to contact Bloke 2 in Devon as he said he wouldn't miss her when she was away. She is having no luck in contacting Bloke 1 in Sheffield, who she said was looking forward to seeing her when they spoke last week. He quite likes his illegal substances and as he lives alone and doesn't work, it is quite possible he has kicked the bucket and is quietly decomposing. Only time will tell.
Went to the shop last night. How exciting village life is. A trip to the shop is an event. Kazzies has been taken over many times in my life, in fact it hasn't been called Kazzies since some time in the mid-70s. It has recently undergone another change in ownership, and the outside has been renovated and now looks quite impressive. There's a distinct lack of peeling paint at any rate. Inside it's still the same, apart from one major difference. They no longer have mixes. What's the point in going to the shop if you can't get a 50p mix? For the uninitiated a mix is a basically a few sweets in a bag - things like cola bottles and chocolate mice - anything comprising mostly of e-numbers that is normally fed to children and retails at 1p-5p, although if you go for a 50p+ mix you sometimes get a liquorice whip or something similar that costs about 10p each. Anyway, new Kazzies don't do them anymore. That means I have to go to Ye Olde Village Shoppe for my kids sweets, but they shut at 6pm. What do I do when the e-number urge overtakes me in the evening? A long-standing tradition is now dead.
Was woken at 2.00 am by Scully eating the bed, again. I am going to stop off at B&Q on the way home and buy some chicken wire to fence off the underneath of the bed. They have left me with no other option. It's either that or insanity caused by sleep deprivation. Preventing Mulder eating the wallpaper is another problem entirely. I suppose once it's all gone if I paint the plaster he won't be able to eat that. It'll give the room a nice ethnic look. Sort of.
Day off tomorrow. Sister wants to go shopping at Meadowhell. Oh joy. I have to enrole at college as well, and there is a match tomorrow night. Half our squad are injured, and the other half are either crap or don't want to play for us, so we should do well. Derby are nearly as bad as we are so there is hope.
Booked snowboarding lessons for Thursday night, so may finish the week with a trip to casualty. Which is nice.
Finished B is for Burglar. I knew who did it ages before it ended, but it was good anyway. Started right out on C is for Corpse. It's looking good already.
Eh well, another day of nothingness is almost over.
Cake s.o.
"After two unsuccessful marriages, I find myself keeping my guard up, along with my underpants"
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