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Cake's Log

Post 1

Mrs Cake

Star date 200899

My first day as a researcher. I must say, I'm quite surprised. There I was, just surfing the 'net and quite suddenly I'm catapulted into a hectic lifestyle I was quite unprepared for.

The instructions say this journal is to tell people exactly how exciting my life is. To be honest, I don't think the general public could take the pace.

Woken in the early hours by Mulder and Scully. Scully is eating the wardrobe, whilst Mulder is stripping the wallpaper. I know they need to chew to keep their teeth in good condition, but surely blue Dulux and woodchip does not provide the nutrician that a growing bunny needs.

Eventually got up at 7.30 am. Radio is full of talk about the showbiz wedding of the year. Zoe Ball and Norman Cook. Yipee. Thrilling.

Did the 8 miles to work in 15 minutes. The mighty mini is red hot since I got that new exhaust.

Work - did a bit of filing in between surfing. It's a hard life.

They actually managed to turn the air conditioning off in the canteen. Had minced beef and mushroom pie with chips, followed by some kind of fruit pie. Top class. Current day time book is B is for Burglar by Sue Grafton. It's very good. Kinsey Millhone, ace detective, has at last got a lead in the Boldt case. It looks like Pam bumped her off and stole her fur coat.

Classmate rang. He wants to borrow my text books from last year as he is re-doing it. Could be a problem. Can't remember if any of the 'useful comments' written therein may be offensive to him.

Should be an exciting weekend. Sister is visiting, so will get an update on her hectic love life. Also home match, Wednesday are facing Spurs. Apparently Disco Briscoe will be playing. I expect Nationwide Newsome will retain his place. Oh joy. Should be thrilling. Or at least better than day time TV on a Saturday. Have to take sister out to drown our sorrows, her's related to affairs of the heart, mine to a sphere of pig skin full of wind.

Cake signing off


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