This is the Message Centre for Skankyrich [?]

Get A Life

Post 1

Skankyrich [?]

And I leave you with this joyful piece of work, which just gets better the more you read:

Happy New Year, all.

Get A Life

Post 2


I got into trouble with those people when I lived down in Cornwall: one of their meeting places is where I used to live and (more relevant) drink.

I'd had a few and was a touch unsubtle in describing how pointless I considered their whole endeavour to be. I was lucky not to be chased across the Tamar by a pitchfork-wielding crowd.

Happy New Year mate and I hope you and Lainey have a good time in The Gambia.

Get A Life

Post 3

Icy North

I had one of them object to my recent entry on Men an Tol smiley - erm


I feel a re-make of Deliverance coming on. Anyone up for 'Duelling Pasties'?

Get A Life

Post 4


He'd be better off explaining it to the major encyclopaedia and atlas publishers than a fairly small website like h2g2. I'd have added Wikipedia, but they seem to have had it disputed already:

Get A Life

Post 5


I think you handled it rather well though, Icy. Nice attempt at recruitment...

smiley - fairy

Get A Life

Post 6


I was considering writing an Entry on the constitutional status of Cornwall until I saw that wikipedia article.

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