This is the Message Centre for 26199


Post 1


Hmmm, seems some people have even been discussing my two guide entries... now that can't be bad, can it?

It's hardly fame and fortune, but it's a start...


Post 2


It's even better when people start discussing your journal entries. It shows they care.


Post 3

cafram - in the states.

hmmm...It could maybe prompt you to change your number to a name? Something that describes you, nothing silly like 16f (although I s'pose you could do that it you wanted to), and nothing too long, such as "The amazingly incredible dancing man who in fact doesn't dance, he just jumps around on the spot to the tune of "The hokey pokey".

To quote one of the Great Australian insurance agencies..."You're a member, not a number - make the most of it".

That is my quite convincing (I think) argument.

That's it!!

What're you looking down here for? It finished up there!! Show's over! smiley - smiley


Post 4


When people change their name the thing should show what it was previously, or if someone sticks with a name for a certain amoutn of time they should be disallowed from changning it as people now know who they are and so forth.


Post 5

cafram - in the states.

Yes but....
A name is much more interesting than a number!! Maybe it could be something like "Name (26199)" so people still knew who they were.

And, no offence (I'm SORRY I'm SORRY I'm SORRY I'm SORRY I'm SORRY I'm SORRY) but that entry was from about 13 weeks ago - so it's not like 26199 really frequents the place. SORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRY!!!smiley - smiley


Post 6


smiley - smiley I'm quite happy with my nickname as it as, actually.

Who needs names, anyway? They're just labels - mine is just more of a label than most. As long as people can recognise who I am... it doesn't matter that my nickname doesn't give away anything more about me.



Post 7


Showing numbers as well as assumed names would be good. Even though anti-duplication is supposed to be coming along for usernames it would be useful for tracking people that change their name beyond recognition. Maybe people's pages could show their username history if such things are stored anywhere. Hmm.


Post 8

cafram - in the states.

Hmmm indeed!


Post 9


Sounds like a good idea... although it is of course possible to find out someone's number by hovering over the link until the url is shown... but how many people would check this before assuming an offensive message to be genuine?


Post 10


Where do offensive messages come into it? Has someone been leaving stuff then changing their name, thinking that they'll be safely anonymous?


Post 11


Nah, I'm just being paranoid, and in fact I was thinking more along the lines of people impersonating other people, although now I realise they'd have to actually *leave* their nickname as somebody else's... but then, they could sign up a new researcher solely for the purpose...

Like I said, just being paranoid smiley - smiley.

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