A Conversation for Tucson

Peer Review: A2991558 - Tucson

Post 1


Entry: Tucson - A2991558
Author: MrToastmaster - U194782

This was meant to be a very brief not detailed overview of Tucson. Entire books have been written about the city, but I just wanted to make it useful for someone visiting.

A2991558 - Tucson

Post 2

Researcher 825122

Tucson, great!
smiley - musicalnote ... down and down I ago
into the ground where the bad seeds are sownsmiley - musicalnote
Calexico! I love it. I be right with you. First I got to read your article. Tucson here I come, Mrs. Leslie Marmon Silko get your kecks on.
smiley - run

A2991558 - Tucson

Post 3



I'm always pleased to see someone contribute to PR who hasn't got an entry in the EG already.

I can see why you want to keep things brief, but IMHO this is a little too brief.

A2991558 - Tucson

Post 4

Researcher 825122

So far so good. smiley - cool I agree with Z, though. It's too brief. Perhaps you could elaborate on famous people from Tucson, or some juicy anecdotes from the past would help to liven up your story. Bankrobbers, outlaws, wars, bootlegging?
I suggest you add some noise, smell and movement. We want food, drink, music and dance. What do ordinary people do on a Saturday night for instance.
What about the Mexicans, the different people of Indian descent, the smuggling, the crime, the real-estate business is it booming or on its ass at the moment. Employment, economy, industries, etc.smiley - bubbly

A2991558 - Tucson

Post 5

Dr Hell

Maybe that explains why Jojo left for some Californian grass.

A little brief, I agree.


A2991558 - Tucson

Post 6

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

There's currently an entry about Tucson in the Flea Market if you'd like to take it on and improve it MrToastmaster - A858008

You could merge the two, maybe add a bit more, and come up with something pretty good smiley - ok The Flea Market front page <./>RF4</.> will tell you what you need to know about how to do that.

smiley - geeksmiley - online2longsmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - hangoversmiley - ok

A2991558 - Tucson

Post 7


Still working on this one?

A2991558 - Tucson

Post 8

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Recommend move back to entry on grounds that the author has Elvised

A2991558 - Tucson

Post 9


Agreed and added to the list smiley - ok

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