This is the Message Centre for The_Admiral(aka Avatar)

Hello admiral

Post 1

Dusanka...I'll be back(once)

Hello!!!I just drop by to say hi!How are you?smiley - smileydo you want somesmiley - choc or smiley - cake?smiley - cheers

Hello admiral

Post 2

Dusanka...I'll be back(once)

one more thing i am Dusanka from Novi Sad,Yugoslavia.smiley - cheers

Hello admiral

Post 3

The_Admiral(aka Avatar)

Hello, Dusanka! Yes, I would like some smiley - cake and smiley - ale please. In regards to your question, I am feeling quite well, thank you, and how are you?

(Reads previous sentence and laughs out loud at how formal and mature he sounds)smiley - laugh

Really I'm feeling just hoopy right now. I went to your Upage and read your article about Novi Sad. In my opinion, it was a good piece of work. smiley - applause

Soon I'm going to update my Upage and actually put in a few things about myself and then I plan to write an article about where I live, Echola, Alabama. When (and if) I ever manage to get it written, I'll try to let you know.smiley - ok

Well, got to go! I'm overdue for a duel in the court yard of the magician's guild. If you want to join, a link to the guild should be on my Upage. See ya.smiley - run

Hello admiral

Post 4

Dusanka...I'll be back(once)

i am oksmiley - ok and i am very happysmiley - somersault.I don't know why,but i am happy.smiley - somersault

Thanks for good critique.I am not finish it yet.I collecting some information and i don't have much time for writing.I must learning,going to faculty and all that boring students activity.

I'll be glad to read about Echola.I am very intrested about other place and cultur of other people.smiley - cheers

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