This is the Message Centre for 42

yo dude

Post 1

Countess Freyja

you seem like someone interesting to talk to. wanna chat?

yo dude

Post 2


me? interesting to talk to?
i dunno bout a chat, but im up for keeping this convo goin!

destined stonersmiley - bubbly

yo dude

Post 3

Countess Freyja

Heh okies cool

so, most important question in the world: what music are ya into?

yo dude

Post 4


i'll listen to just about anything so long as it has a sensible enough groove

destied stonersmiley - cool

yo dude

Post 5

Countess Freyja

uhhuh.. but do you go fora particular genre or what?

yo dude

Post 6


mostly jazz...fusion jazz anyway...then again i play two jazz intruments and that esplains a lot, believe me. haha
otherwise anything with a groove....i need a groove...u? burnt leave me alone!
a dead, well done destined stonersmiley - cool

yo dude

Post 7

Countess Freyja

I'm not really into jazz, much prefer the heavier side of things. Am into rock and metal mainly.

yo dude

Post 8



yeah it's me, so what's ur point?...
destinedsmiley - bubbly

yo dude

Post 9

Countess Freyja

hehe what bands you into>?

yo dude

Post 10


black sabbath...aerosmith...godsmack...too many others to think of...

42 (formerly known as destined stoner...) smiley - dontpanic unless of course ur ford...smiley - biggrin

yo dude

Post 11

Countess Freyja

coolies. Black Sabbath are pretty cool, havent heard much stuff by them though smiley - sadface

yo dude

Post 12


that's too bad!
what bands r u into? here what else do you want?
42 smiley - dontpanic

yo dude

Post 13

Countess Freyja

Rammstein, Cradle of Filth, Nothingface, gah its all on my space. I'm beginning to get into black metal. i love cradle of filth and one of my friends is gonna burn me some of his old black metal CDs. Woo \m/

yo dude

Post 14


read ur personal space stuff...nice...
have i told u yet that i play sax in band and jazz band and im also the best double bassist in the whole high school...
and if probing me with anything has anything to do with needles....
*shudders*...ya... i have a severe phobia of needles...
i freak out when i see them... *shudders again*
not really into black metal or metal or that stuff... just the mild bands...
violin?! dude that's just... well... bass is better! a hell of a lot better!!!!!
and i play piano too... maybe for jazz band i dunno yet...
ya... well im totally blabbing on too much...
gotta get to homework... woah it's already 10:30!!!

ya... whatever...
42 smiley - dontpanic

yo dude

Post 15

Countess Freyja

Nah you havent told me. Thats really cool smiley - smiley. I used to want to play saxophone when I was about 8 but that phase passed.

Lol i have a kind of obsession with probing people. Preferably with shiny green lasers. Hehe

Lol I started playing violin in year 4. Its pretty cool actually cos I play in a couple of orchestras where I've made some more friends. And also violins can sound spooky and Gothic.

yo dude

Post 16


ah! not lasers!!!! *screams and runs away*

ooo! orchestras!! dude those are sooo much fun!!!! that's how i know a lot of seniors....

and band, not so much jazz band.
no one likes to join jazz band here tho cuz most of the dudes in it are stoners...
it's so awesome!!!
but yeah... that'd be kinda boring to you probably so i'll just shut up right now...

dude im getting stoned go away!!!
42 smiley - dontpanic...
and by the way the note above is an inside joke in reference to this one guy im crazy about... hehe

yo dude

Post 17

Countess Freyja

Muahahahahaha *chases with laser*

yerp orchestra is pretty fun. and being in orchestra means i can go on music tours which is cool

lol that spunds pretty cool. i've never got stoned before but i am only 13.. might try out some gentle pot in a coule of years time. looks like fun

yo dude

Post 18


dont!!!! ur just screwing urself over if you do that...
just means you cut off hours of ur life. don't start.

i get to go perform for band at a football game tonite... i have to be there in an hour...

YAY!!! i've already planned out my night...gonna try "hitting on" this one dude i really like...throw a hershey's kiss at him and put a sign on his back that says "do the dew!!!" long story there...

and i've never actually gotten stoned before and i don't plan to in my lifetime.
it's just an inside joke towards aaron...the dude i mentioned above...
he's awesome...plays sax too... *falls off chair daydreaming*

and again im blabbing on...


dude im getting stoned go away!!!
42 smiley - dontpanic unless ur spring creek!!!!!! ONWARD INDIANS!!!!!!!!!

yo dude

Post 19

Countess Freyja

ok then. i wont get hooked or anything, i just want to see what's so great about it, thats all.

Wicked, how did it go?

yo dude

Post 20


probably one of the best nights ever!!!!!!
except for spring creek...
it was better than better!!!!! even tho the uniforms give you a total wedgie no matter what...
it was pretty fun!!!!!! and our hats... stupid plumes... it hurt that's all i'll say about that.

haha ford and i were so hyped up on sugar!!!!!!! (ford's another h2g2 user by the way)
ya... we scared aaron really bad... i think we scared everyone...

and during halftime... *shudders* we were sooooo bad out there!!!!
but then we were fine cuz we won!!!!!!!!
we totally won!!!!!!!


so when r u on usually? i think u might have been on when i was once...

42 smiley - dontpanic

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