This is the Message Centre for Mark B

Hi Mark!

Post 1

The 1 and only Elkherd

I'd be wary of saying you live 'in the village' if I were you.

I discovered the delicious, plum like fruit known as the damson today. It is in fact a modified sloe, and only as closely related to the plum as it is to the cherry.

Interesting, hey?

Hi Elk!!

Post 2

Mark B

Nope, it's just one of those days and one of those fruits dude!

Hi Spike

Post 3

The 1 and only Elkherd

Just one of those fruits...

I fear you underestimate its powers.

Hi Spike

Post 4

The 1 and only Elkherd

Orifice is down...


Post 5

Mark B

It's left an empty hole in my heart man, and I am trying to patch it up with a big sticker saying 'Infinity Suckers', Fe a bassist? Have u seen where they live? It is miles across London!! Nevermind, we will overcome this obstacle and strive forward!!


Post 6

The 1 and only Elkherd

It is miles across London? Where? I fear this problem may force us to consider other options. Schade. Du hast bein gebrocken? Hier, haben ein Pflaster.


Post 7

Mark B

Not that far, as long as hope prevails all is not lost, with Tom again, we are unstoppable. He is our key to success.


Post 8

The 1 and only Elkherd

Or not.

Don't put too much import in Tom, we havn't placed the ad yet.

bad spelling

Post 9

Mark B

have devised logo. Its cool. Many variations. Tasha is on forum now (cool!). Tom was me best mate once yknow (when u forsook me), and I want him to be on this project ok?

bad spelling

Post 10


i am on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah baby yeaH!!

Post 11

Mark B

Hello Tasha, the 3rd person on this site!! Wow, look out in a minute I may be completely overwhelmed!

Press the shift key to soon

Post 12

The 1 and only Elkherd

WHEN I FORSOOK YOU??????? Y'WHAT??? When you forsook me, more like. (This will no doubt turn in to a major arguement)

OK -Tom. Right. smiley - bigeyes


Post 13

Mark B

It will end when u tell me how to get smiley faces, remmeber it was a long time ago, drop it. Just remember it was you though

Doppsie Doggie Poos

Post 14

The 1 and only Elkherd

Whatever. See the 'Hey Mark' forum for info on smileys.


Post 15

Mark B

Hollie is not on the net but Liz is, lets show her h2g2 man... Do you agree? Hi Tasha. Hi Elk, Crazyone if you are out there, anyone else who likes chips oder pomme frites, fries etc.

Screw you guys, I'm going home.

Post 16

The 1 and only Elkherd

Liz. Yeah. OK.


Post 17

Mark B

I am the man from uncle, this page is worthless and nobody seems bothered anymore, bye!


Post 18

The 1 and only Elkherd

Well I'm from thrush (laughs into his own head). Don't get depressed.


Post 19

Mark B



Post 20

The 1 and only Elkherd

(Thrush was the enemy of Uncle)

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