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anyone else seen one of these?
scorp Started conversation May 24, 2006
Picked up a booklet on cycle routes near our caravan park the other day. Not many yards from the site there is a ridiculous set of road junctions with a large tree filled island in the middle. Priority is given to all the wrong seeming roads.
The leaflet tells you as you approach this section that it is called a 'Triangularabout'. Now that's a new one on me. Anybody seen one before and if so, where?
anyone else seen one of these?
aka Bel - A87832164 Posted May 24, 2006
Of the triangleroundabout
No, husband came bvack, he has followed the traffic news all day ( it didn't occur to me to do so ), and it's traffic jams for nearly al of the way, so he suggested that we leave early in the morning ( at about 3.00 am
anyone else seen one of these?
scorp Posted May 24, 2006
Ok - this triangularabout is a mite large for one photo, it will take about six to get all round; but I'll do my best.
Won't volunteer to give you an alarm call in the morning. Some joker did actually ring my mobile at 2 0'Clock this morning and I was none too impressed.
anyone else seen one of these?
Websailor Posted May 24, 2006
Scorpio I think you should add << triangularabout>> to Wood Pigeon's thread - 'Joined Up thinking'. It's a new one on me too.
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