This is the Message Centre for Clarissa

Don't Panic

Post 41


smiley - biggrinsmiley - hug

Don't Panic

Post 42


hmmmmmmmm smiley - smiley

Don't Panic

Post 43


No wonder there is not much of you eating tiny slivers of raw fish then missing dining with the Gods.smiley - smiley

Don't Panic

Post 44


Have just sent you 2 e-mails...smiley - erm
And now I am going to do something to keep myselg going after that delicious raw fish. I am STILL hungry so off I fo.
But DO check my two e-mails. My Messenger no longer works sennt you an SOS for that - and another one I think you shold read in case you missed something. smiley - oksmiley - hug

Don't Panic

Post 45


So many typos - I AM hungry
smiley - biggrinsmiley - hugsmiley - ok

Don't Panic

Post 46


your keyboard seems to have gone wonky too. Must be lack of food. Please, quickly eat something before you fade away!smiley - cake
I don't want you to drift off with the wind when we go swimming.

smiley - hugsmiley - smooch
smiley - redwine

Don't Panic

Post 47


Good morning Clarissa smiley - smiley

Brought you warm freshly baked crusty rolls (Celtic weave).
Hmmm .. pull one open.. smell the new bread smell.. a little butter melting, then thick Oxford marmalade.
smiley - magic

Steaming coffee is there smiley - coffee, newspaper.
Your servant
..... cu later.
smiley - biggrin

Don't Panic

Post 48


That WAS lovely, quite, quite delicious.
Thanks Cad...

Don't Panic

Post 49


smiley - rose

Don't Panic

Post 50


Now where did we leave off?

Yes, we had dodged the German patrol boat and were moored in the bay of that Greek Island. We were swimming in the bubbles as I recall.

smiley - fish

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