This is the Message Centre for Clarissa

Au revoir

Post 1


and not good-bye
smiley - love and smiley - peacedove to you one and all - may the Muse go with you
and may God keep you

Au revoir

Post 2


And to you too, sweet soul.

You're one in a million and been such an inspiration to so many. Thank-you.

Jen smiley - magicsmiley - smooch

When did ye say you were coming to Ireland, then??! smiley - winkeye

Au revoir

Post 3


Bless you Jen - have just downloaded Vol. 3 and love the colour of the cover - the bridge from GW to pastures new!
Went ot Dublin once and on leaving, told the people I had met that I was leaving my heart behind - so to Ireland I shall have to come to retrieve it
smiley - love

Au revoir

Post 4


Well, the door is always open and there's a chair in the corner with your name on it, and a glass, and a smile and a hug... smiley - biggrinsmiley - magicsmiley - bubbly

Au revoir

Post 5


Oh Jen,
If only you knew how much I love you, dear heart...
and I kid you not, I can hardly see to type this - the tears are rolling down fast and furious

Au revoir

Post 6


and a sloppy kiss from me to goth of yousmiley - loveblushsmiley - tongueout

Au revoir

Post 7


Hi, gg,

Bin too long since I kissed yer, girl...

Here... smiley - smooch


Au revoir

Post 8


smiley - wah

Au revoir

Post 9

Mark Pettifer

smiley - loveblush

Au revoir

Post 10


smiley - hugsmiley - smooch


Post 11

logicus tracticus philosophicus

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Post 12

logicus tracticus philosophicus

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