This is the Message Centre for Researcher5

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 1

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Welcome back researcher5. Just in case things have changed since you last visited us, I am leaving you my usual message to all newbies smiley - ok

lil xx

Welcome, welcome, welcome, to the wonderful Community of H2G2 (otherwise known as hootoo - you will see this word a lot). This is not an automated message, I am an <./>ACE</.>, and I'm here to help you settle into your new home smiley - winkeye

H2G2 is a living, breathing guide to Life, the Universe and Everything. It's something YOU can take part in. You can write entries on all manner of subjects, and if it's something you think would look good in our Edited Guide (where all the best research goes), you can submit it to Peer Review. Take a look at the <./>writing-guidelines</.> for more information on thatsmiley - smiley

I've created a little list of links, just for you, so click on A4992357 and have a look at them (actually the links are my daughter's... but, hey oh, Hootoo is one big family!) smiley - biggrin

If you click on each link, they will take you to parts of hootoo no sane person should ever go alone on this site.....

......but, as it seems no one here is sane, it doesn't matter does it? smiley - tongueout

Have a look around, pop into my personal space and read some of the conversations that I have on the go at the moment and you will see how things work. Don't be frightened to jump in on conversations, hootooers don't bite. smiley - ok

If you get lost shout for help, hopefully, I'll be around to give you a hand. In case I'm not, just leave a message here <./>ACE</.> and someone will be with you just as soon as they can. smiley - towel

Remember, I'm here to help. smiley - magic

lil xxx

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 2


Dear Lil' how kind of you to be in touch with me so swiftly. I shall look forward very much to following the links you suggest. As you may have guessed from my name i am actually a very old friend of h2g2.

Warmest wishes

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I look forward to seeing in the threads smiley - ok

lil x

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 4


Hi Lil, I'd love to know what you really like about h2g2, what makes it special for you.

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 5

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Firstly, I have some very strong friendships here, a lot of them I have met in RL and never been disappointed in meeting them smiley - smiley

Secondly, I enjoy greeting newbies and watching them fledge out into the threads smiley - biggrin

Thirdly, I enjoy participating in the Edited Guide, either as an author or a Scout smiley - geek

I notice you haven't joined in any of the Community Threads - is there anything you are particularly interested in?

lil xx

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 6


Dear Lil, I am interested in all sorts of things! I have been reading a lot of guide entries, especially in the official guide and especially travel and city related entries. I'm not quite ready to join in on the Community threads just yet but very much hope to do so in the not too distant future. I was in at the birth of the site and am very much enjoying having a look round and seeing how Douglas' and the Founder's vision has developed into something so special.

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 7

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Oh, that sounds like a true seal of approval! smiley - magic

Are you going to keep your earlier incarnation secret? smiley - smiley

lil xx

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 8


Hi Lil. just for now! But I'm really keen to explore- h2g2 has always been such a special place. I just want to know and understand how it all ticks.

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 9

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hi R5,

If you ever find the answer, please let us know smiley - winkeye

lil xx

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 10


have you been involved in the creation of many collaborative guide entries? who could I ask about how those really work? And just to let you know I am Robbie Stamp, I was the founder along with Douglas of h2g2, the CEO and Chairman at what was The Digital Village, which became h2g2 Ltd. As its ten years now at the BBC I was really interested to see how things are here. h2g2 remains very very close to my heart.

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 11

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Kerrumbs! smiley - doh

Are you the actual U5 ?

Do I have Hootoo Royalty in my threads? smiley - yikes

*curtseys and trips over* smiley - blush

I have written some 13 solo Guide Entries, with number 14 being written at the moment. I have collaborated with a number of other Researchers and written/edited articles for <./>ThePost</.>, our weekly magazine smiley - biro

Would you like your Edited Entries to be moved across to your current account? smiley - smiley

lil xx

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 12


Dear Lil. I am U5 yes. Was actually very pleased to get my Researcher5 name back! I chose the number because at the time I was very interested in Chinese Numerology. Researcher1 was obviously not an option!

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 13

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Dear Robbie,

I feel so honoured to have the opportunity to chat with you! Actually, my name is Chris, but 'everyone' calls me lil, even those who have become my true friends in real life. smiley - biggrin

My daughter, Vicki Virago, started me in h2g2 as a means of helping me to give up smoking - that was almost 7 years ago, and it worked!smiley - somersault

One of the little games Researchers play is how to find the answer 42 from their user number. It has to be in the same order using maths, you might try that and post it to your Intro Page. smiley - ok

Sorry if my use of smileys irritate you, I tend to use them to show my feelings... I look forward to continuing these little chats and, hopefully, being allowed to get know what the orginal Community was like way back when.... Where you all zany, madcap people?

lil xx

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 14


Dear Lil, it was a fantastic team who put together h2g2 in the early days. Because of Douglas we attracted a very creative group of programmers and designers and writers. It was very early days really when you think about it as far as understanding communities was concerned. We had had an interesting experience with the Community for Starship Titanic, the computer game that we produced when we were "The Digital Village" ( a name I have always loved). We did not spend enough time as a "presence' in the community and it became quite a fractious place quite quickly but when we tried to go back into the playground to say " play nice" we were told to get lost. I had to intervene when somebody thought that they had been libelled on the site - I was there as the ultimate "PTB". When we launched h2g2 I was determined that we did not make the same mistake, so we were much more visible on the site from day one, rewarding the good stuff and making it clear what was not acceptable - it was literally putting the "DNA" into the site.I think its remarkable how much of what we hoped the site might be like is reflected in h2g2 ten years on. I read all the posts from researchers during the BBC's MOT - such a thoughtful and intelligent and constructive thread. best Robbie

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 15

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Dear Robbie,

I am so sorry to hear that 'The Digital Village' became fractious. Those I first met in h2g2 had some wonderful memories of times prior to the BBC taking over the site; some even regretting it ever happened. When I first joined a similar problem was just coming to the end, so I don't know many, if any, details about it. The Italics (BBC Staff) were a stronger presence at that time, sadly it dwindled until there was only one Italic for a while.

Happily, someone with many good memories of your early days and the BBC's take over, rejoined. - darling Sam Semple worked with the wonderful Natalie for a year or so, and finally took over the reins when Natalie was promoted to another BBC department. We had Garuda Jones helping out for the summer, then our lovely Zelmo Zale became the second permanent member of the h2g2 Editorial Team. We researchers have taken him under our wing, tormenting him as and when needed. smiley - winkeye

Bless them, they are doing their best to keep up with us online, while in the midst of helping with all the changes in the back ground, picking up the selected Entries and adding them to the Edited Guide. Yet they still find the time to keep us informed of the new changes. They are rather busy Boyz!

The MOT brought back a number of 'silent' researchers. Many I had never seen posting in h2g2 before, and yes, even some who were banned posted their support for the site. You must be so proud that the ideas of Douglas, yourself and your original team are still going strong. We 'do' have a Community here. Yes, we have our squabbles but doesn't any street, neighbourhood, village or local pub? Eventually things settle down again. smiley - zen

Woo! That was a long reply! smiley - magic

lil xx

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 16


Hi Lil' , I had not meant to suggest that The Digital Village itself became fractious - it never did, the company stayed a pretty good place ( i hope) to work, right up to the end. It was the Starship Titanic community that became fractious and we learned a great deal from it when we set up h2g2. Its really interesting to hear you talk about the folks who really make the site tick these days. if you had a magic wand what would you like to see happening on the site? With the advent of iPhones and Android phones and the whole App market we are many steps closer to Douglas' original vision for the Guide. Best Robbie

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 17

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hi Robbie,

Oops.. That was probably my mistake, misreading your post. It is only fairly recently that I've heard about the Starship Titanic, a number of researchers had been chatting about it in a journal.

I am a complete technophobe! If there is a button NOT to be pressed, you are guaranteed I will press it! Even the h2g2 Techs have asked for me to take a tea break while they correct something 'under the bonnet'!

A few years back, we lost a large number of researchers when their university and college courses ended. At about the same time h2g2 had to close the site to those under 16, through no fault of h2g2, or the researchers. Sadly the fears for the safety of youngsters was too much for TPTB at the very top of the BBC. If I had a magic wand, it would be to allow over 14 year olds onto the site because, nowadays, by the time they reach 16, they are used to the more sophisticated game sites.

Oh! And a way to get the AViators Archives under the umbrella of h2g2 - perhaps the new program will be able to encompass it. Currently we have one researcher on extended leave from AViators, and the other is rather busy, so there is no-one to upkeep it at the moment. Now that would be brilliant! smiley - wizard

lil xx

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 18


Hi Lil, could you tell me more about the A Viators Archive? Would love to know more about that. Who are the more technical folks on the site still? Would love to meet some of them. Interesting point about lowering the age again. I'd also love to meet some of the "top researchers" who really contribute alot to the Guide.
Sorry to keep asking so many questions. I'm just fascinated by what a rich place this and how different it is from so many places on the web. All these years on it does feel unique to me.
Best Robbie

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 19

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hi Robbie,

I see you have been visited by my good RL and Hootoo friend, Bel. She can tell you lots more about the <./>Aviators</.> and Beeblecast productions. We have recorded plays line by line, and the magnificent 2legs has pulled them all together. Others have created their own films snippets. It will be nice to start doing more of them again.

Most of those busiest within the Guide are the <./>Volunteers</.>, mainly the Sub-Editors and all those participating in PeerReview, either as author or helper. Some of them are also Curators A7947147, but this is slightly different as they are 'invited' to join after proving their expertise in other areas of the Guide. This enables the h2g2 Editors to focus on running the Edited Guide and helping to set up the new program, which should be online in a few weeks - fingers crossed!

Don't worry about asking questions, it's lovely to be able to tell you how your 'baby' has progressed! smiley - biggrin

lil xx

Welcome from your ACE!

Post 20

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

While I think on, we are having a mini Meet in Hull next month, perhaps you might like to join us?

These are the details so far A74400590. The Premier Inn is where we shall also be having our dinner on Saturday evening.

We might add another couple of Researchers to the list before then.

lil xx

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