This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener

Might I suggest

Post 1

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

If you want to speak ill of someone first find out what is you speak to. I'm speaking in refference to your retort to a post I made on one thread or another t'is not matter you'll remember your strainded words.

You've know nothing of me Madam nor wil you ever. the post I made could have been as the thread suggests a ramble whether it's true or not. I will not divulge to you as it serves not a purpose. None that moi can think off. Loosen up a bit will you. G'day

Might I suggest

Post 2

the fat gardener

Dear The Kid,

I don't think I've ever tried to make a bad retort to anything you've said. Your postings have always been friendly and lighthearted.

If you are refering to the Rambling thread I have been a bit bemused by someone elses rambles, Kushtimush I think, and any comments were meant as a continuation of a theme you started, not to speak ill of you.

I have respected the way you have been supportive of other people's ramblings - and cannot think why I should critisize you (or anyone else for that matter).

So sorry if you got the wrong end of the stick!

Does this clear the skies a bit?

smiley - okFats.

Might I suggest

Post 3

the fat gardener

Dear the Kid,

I was bemused by this ranting by Kushti - after Spiderbaby and myself had posted up about some quite precious moments. Perhaps he was joking? Probably.

"11 hours of labour cock and whether any bloody women says so or not I was there for the whole two year exeperience of it . What can I tell you how would a whackead know yeah ...........right.
Thats a human demolition all the way to creation even b******s cannot walk away and leave their kids.......................alright well it happens but its rarer than people think and a highly unatural act for the human male.
This is world in which babies are processed in certain place from day one, you think the occasional man doesnt notice the men should be speaking here or this lot will be cutting balls off before you know it.
Go spend your money on your knickers lover if you think I'm falling into the beautiful mama bullshit your obviously a fox and have traded on it all your life, some foxes would'nt.Dig "

So I put the smiley - headhurts symbol - which I think looks like a woman with a bob.

Is that what you found offensive?

Might I suggest

Post 4

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Oooops I'm sorry I assumed you were referring to me. My Bad Dear Lady. You can thrash me about for I am ignorant.

Even after my stupidity you say nice things about me. Which makes me feel worse the Jerk.

1000 G'bytes in apologies Ma'am.

You know if you assume something you making an A*s out of u and me both ass-u-me.

smiley - sorrysmiley - peacedove

Might I suggest

Post 5

the fat gardener

No worries! It's easy to get your wires crossed here. The best thing, if it happens, is to approach the person directly, like you have.

Keep rambling! It's sometimes the best bit.

smiley - cheerssmiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - run

Might I suggest

Post 6

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Thank You I'll Try to do me best.

I've read Kushtimushs bio assuming that it was something not made up. He had mention something of a head tramma *I believe that's the was it is spelled.* So I believe that to be the truth, given his disposition. He seems off about 90 to 95 % of the time. With it seem brief moments of clarity. He sure is a pain at times, still I give him leaway. The way he acts he'll even come two party conversations of mine and ramble incoherently. I try to pay him no mind. Have a nice day. Hope the storms did'nt get to you. Toodlessmiley - peacedove

Might I suggest

Post 7

the fat gardener

Hey it's a shame you can't come to the Birmingham shindig!

No storms got us, though the wind funnels down through the gap in the hills... sounds like an express train. We are surrounded by very tall Maple trees and on the edge of a 30 ft drop at front and 20ft drop at back - the trees would make quite a bang!

Have a good weekend smiley - bluebutterfly

Might I suggest

Post 8

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Thank You for your feelings on my not being able to show up for the shin dig I would love to come, but if it cost a quarter to get around the world I cound'nt get out of sight. hahahahahaha I got that off a movie by the way. Heartbreak Ridge, Clint Eastwoods character said it. I'm mor than glad you and your family escape the storms fury the other night I was online with a friend in Ireland who was somewhat troubled about the storm as it was blowing whilst we conversed. I also I have friend online who lives in Scotland he was lucky though. Yet I have a friend in Blackpool Bispham actually who was unharmed by that storm. I Gald God chose to spare all of you guys. You t'would be included in those guys as well. Yep them tress stopped a lot of wind but your lucky as you say none broke or did they. I was living in the country a good wind storm came up not as bad as y'alls but bad. A tree broke and it sounded like someone had fired a shot. at the same time the lights went black. It got really cold that nigh. I was lucky though I had a wood burning stove and some dry firewood.

Have a good one yourself Lass. Toodlies

smiley - peacedove

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