This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener

I like the sound of your cards

Post 1


Hi FG the cards you make sound really good. Myself and my partner used to do a market in Melbourne that is fairly touristy called St Kilda Esplanade Market there was a woman there who made card out of recyled paper and she had some good ideas and I fancied doing it but never really got the time..however it is on the backburner so to speak. As Pen Jen says we do candles my husband used to do them in Selfridges in London (that is where I met him) and he has been doing it on and off over here since about 1989..we used to be in lots of major shopping centres but the overheads got ridiculous so we just tend to do craft markets in the summer.. Just thought I'd say G'day as I really felt your absence when you were in France... cheers Serin

I like the sound of your cards

Post 2

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

Thanks for your lovely message, I just read it now. Have been out food shopping at 1am, after cycling home from having a pizza with an old friend.

What kind of candles do you and your husband make?

Sorry but I always thought you were a bloke - I was thinking "What a nice bloke!"

I know the Fat Gardener sounds like a bloke too - maybe I shouldn't have outed the fact I was female as I have this image in my head of a fat, doddery, loveable old fool, and would have enjoyed playing up to it.

How's your writing going - I must visit your page. I have been particularly unproductive recently - but am thinking that all writing is good practice.

Anyway, take care and have fun.


smiley - biggrin

I like the sound of your cards

Post 3


Yeah I know what you mean about the giving away your gender gives people a new spin on things FG..I was never sure with you actually..until you gave it away at some stage. Mind you I think in my case only Pen Jen and you know so if yah don't out me on the threads I can still play the game my way and not be put into a gender classification..Dreamcatcher may be onto me too! We do carved spheres and star shape candles peace signs lover candles elephants buddahs cats starfish seahorses carved tapers faries..thats as much as I can recall at present. The carved spheres are really my favourite and they glow like a lanterns as they burn.And they only burn down the centre they are really colourful. Anyway I will go now as I think I will have a walk with the dog however its a bit windy so I will have to wrap up..I can't wait for Summer it was lovely yesterday and the day before and that gave me a taste...cheers for now Serin

I like the sound of your cards

Post 4

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

The candles sound great. It's interesting how many GW Websters do other creative things.

Of course I won't out your gender - but I know anyone can read anyone elses messages - so I wonder who is reading now!

I did wonder if people would think I was a gay bloke as I talked about Mrs Fat Gardener - mind you him upstairs and I do seem to have reversed rolls. He is well dressed and I'm a bit of a slob. When we go away he takes a suitcase and I take a small shoulder bag. He has a different pair of shoes for each day of the week and I have one pair of shoes and some trainers and wellies! He throws tantrums and I go quiet if I'm upset. I like reading maps and he hates it. The list is endless. So much for stereotypes.

smiley - oksmiley - run

I like the sound of your cards

Post 5


Well Fg I have to say I am not that precious about the gender thing either. My partner is a bit in touch with his feminin side also..He cooks great biscuits and very arty..and lately when we argue he startin to come on all Barbara Stanwyck...(cripes not thats aged me) still we can both laugh about it all and at the end of the day I think that is a big plus...I can read maps but don't enjoy the experience..I did get told by my screwy lecturer that I am very analytical and think like a man...not insulted by that just think what is she saying, women are not analytical? Anyway I have been up since 5am and now it's 9am Sat morning I have made my own bread and are about to have look forward to our next encounter FG smiley - cheersSerin

I like the sound of your cards

Post 6


Must explain in partners defence he is more like Bette Davis tryin to give up the fags..he is down to 10 rolly ciggies a day though not a bad effort as I think he was really puffing at one stage. Serin

I like the sound of your cards

Post 7

the fat gardener bread in the morning sounds lovely.

Have a good day - I'm off upstairs to sample the snore symphony.

smiley - winkeye Fats.

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