A Conversation for Socrates

Collaborative Writing Workshop: A2816697 - Socrates

Post 1


Entry: Socrates - A2816697
Author: copperbard - U777793

I,m looking for tour oppinions

A2816697 - Socrates

Post 2


Hi CB,

I'm at a loss to understand your search for opinions. What is it that you do not understand?

1) Socrates,Was he a person?
Of course he is an actual historic personnage, at least as best we can be sure about any historic person. He was a well published and respected philosopher and teacher.

2) The socratic argument,is it double talk? Or do I just not understand?
If you're talking about 'Crito', which you haven't made clear, the argument was two men who saw a situation differently. Or rather, it was Socrates who saw his responsibilities differently than all of his friends who wanted him to save his own life by escaping the law.

Each of the two had an opinion, and each hoped to persuade the other through reason. But they were still both just opinions based on a point of view.


smiley - towel

A2816697 - Socrates

Post 3


Socrates was often wirtten about but never published personaly,Plato often refered to him as well as Aristophanes. It was always my assumptoin the he was fictional, a arcitypical characture use to teach values by Plato.

A2816697 - Socrates

Post 4


could reffer me me to text's of Socrates.
I see him as Nietze's Zarathustra,because I have'nt found work by his own hand. Thanks

A2816697 - Socrates

Post 5


the Socratic argument was dirived from Crito.

A2816697 - Socrates

Post 6


Hi fords!
I can't find any reasonable evedence that Socrates was any more than Plato's architypical characture. Like Nitche's Zarithustra.
As far as the Socratic argument is used to point out that every piont of view is only opinion, is a child being run over by a car and crippled a tragity? Or is that just my opinion?
thanks for taking the time to reply, I look forward to hearing more from you smiley - smiley

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