This is the Message Centre for Birbeck

Going to Ground

Post 1


Hello Birbeck,

Just to let you know I'm not posting for or criting for a while. The site is awash with children at present and I don't want to exchange conversations with them.
One in particular just uses multiple identities to keep posting.

Through my work I know the dangers of the internet and it isn't safe for girls of 13 to be interacting with strangers. Hopefully, they'll lose interest when the school term starts.

See, I can be serious. I'm open for messages, though.

Bye for now

smiley - cheers

Going to Ground

Post 2


Had to reply before dashing out. Don't bury your head under the sand, inform the GW bigwigs; although they should have noticed.

smiley - cheerupHow long do you intend to do so? Anyway, what do you think it's going to be like without you?

Well, read White Bait - by brassrazoo A2947458 (that guy is good - he wrote 'Water Babes in Mozambique', remember his first?), too much time on his hands living in Oz).

smiley - hugBirbeck

Going to Ground

Post 3


I resemble that remark smiley - laugh

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