This is the Message Centre for Birbeck

My Mozambique Story

Post 1



Thanks for reviewing my Mozambique story. What did you mean by 'personally not too keen on abridging words except in dialogue' ?
Abridging would be cropping ?

My Mozambique Story

Post 2


Hi there

I'm hoping some of my 'friends' read your story, but they tire of me, I think; but they usually obey. This was supposedly the reason why I became the first Star Profile on GW Newsletter!

I probably should have used contracting/abbreviating ('don't' have your gift).

Do hope others will read and enjoy your tale.

smiley - okBirbeck

My Mozambique Story

Post 3


Hi there

Read the two reviews, so far. I think they enjoyed it, but we all agree you use too many adjectives and so on.

Another 'friend' said they'll be reviewing it.

Keep going.smiley - ok Birbeck

My Mozambique Story

Post 4


I write, I learn - thanks

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