This is the Message Centre for Birbeck

Trying to undo the blockage

Post 1


Birbeck, dear heart!

Please go to the thread "You think your thick?" and find my posting of yesterday, which also refers to another posting of yesterday in the "Are you trying to avoid me?" thread. Dying for your response(s)!

Thanks for your prompt reaction to Interview2. Much appreciated.


You talkin' to me?

Post 2


So, what you wanna know - I know nooothing! (A bit of a De Niro/gangster-movie fan.)

I've read all your queries, but I'm unsure what you want me to reply to. Also, read some of jesuswhatshisname's postmodernist stuff, 'enjoyed'(?) Stupid Things You Might Have Thought & A Future Night Tonite - I thought them moody, introspective & succinct; but he's got a one track mind - drink & what it makes you predisposed to (does that make sense?). Anyway, I don't know much about poetry.

You're trying to drive me even madder. I'm a woman, I can't read maps, so how do you expect me to get around this site!?

smiley - ermBirbeck

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Trying to undo the blockage

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