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RE: Fruity flavours feedback

Post 1


Hi Birbeck,
Thanks for your generous feedback and sorry if I put you off with the pineapples! Thanks for the proof reading too - a very valuable skill.
I'm still trying to get to grips with navigating this site, so I'm not sure how I get to return the favour and read some of your work.
I think anyone who scribbles, even if they only do it in secret, can call themselves a writer. Putting your work out there for others to see and comment on takes guts, so keep on doing it (I sneaked a peak at your portfolio).
I'm a voracious and fairly indescriminate reader, but I do like my crime stories, so I'll keep a look out for your work in future.
All the best
smiley - smiley

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RE: Fruity flavours feedback

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