This is the Message Centre for Birbeck

Thank you

Post 1


Just wanted to thank you for your very kind comments on 'The Good Cook'. I've been using this site for 4 or 5 weeks now and I was beginning to think that no-one really liked my stuff. I've only just started this writing business. I went to a creative writing class for 8 weeks after Easter and that sort of got me going. I think I'm still experimenting with styles. You have inspired me to try this style again. Thank you ever so much.
smiley - biggrin
By the way I'm putting you on as my friend.smiley - biggrin

Thank you too

Post 2


I'm surprised that you have only been writing for such a short time. It was a pleasure to read and review TGC. I was becoming disillusioned too, but by joining in the Review Circle it got the ball rolling. But I've become 'all read out' just now - it's like trying to pick a poor child for adoption/funding - you feel guilty about the rest you have to ignore.

I believe you had some other comments from people I asked to read it.

I've put people down as 'friends' just so I won't forget those who've bothered to read my story or I've acknowledged theirs.

Until the next review/conversation, must smiley - run

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