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Ressurection Movement 1B

Post 1


Hi there Dreamy, I was thinking to ease yourself back into swing would you like to add to our movement we have got a chorus and all as Waring was really pushin for one... think it is ok.. but it really needs more healing hands on.. so if you want to lay some on the hymn thread it's all waiting for yah.. hope you had a heavenly holiday... must admit I missed you and the fat gardener and can't wait for you to get back dippidysmiley - biggrin

Ressurection Movement 1B

Post 2


Hello Dippidy!
Hope you have been well. I am back but my barin is still in Tenerife!
So I will have to ease in. MmmmI had a quick look at the hymn bit ...but I am in a very silly and cynical mood today.....not good for hymn writing.....

I thought about starting the next line as Hip hop-a-hippidy hop.....oh it could be dippidy hop!smiley - biggrin
Then decided it would possibly upset a few people. I promise to look when I feel a little more stable!
smiley - smiley
smiley - cheerup

Ressurection Movement 1B

Post 3


oh yes brain

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