This is the Message Centre for dreamcatcher

Ms Bliss

Post 1


How are you Dreamy?? I have left a little request on the Hymn site for you but thought it may be better to ask it of you here. Could you please let me know how to add pals to my portfolio as I cannot work it out. I have actually been trying to practise a little bit of rhyming since you gave me a little nudge earlier in the week. Only in my postings but hey be it ever so humble... hope life is treating you well dreamy. For the second time in a year I skipped a lecture. Just to see if I can get an edge on my heavy back log of assignments and go for the Christmas in July weekend I mentioned earlier. Keep your fingers crossed for me Dreamy. Sort of hinges a bit on how kipper the cat is pulling up he is a lot better thought. Cheers from dippidy.smiley - chocsmiley - teafor morning tea!!

Ms Bliss

Post 2


If you click on the persons name (eg Dreamcatcher ) and go to their portfolio at the right hand side in sam;; writing it says add to my list of friends.....
Hope it helpes. Will chat later. Pray you and your cat are well.

Ms Bliss

Post 3


small writing I meant. Hope it helpedsmiley - ok

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