A Conversation for International Driving Etiquette

Stressfree Driving in Skandinavia

Post 1

Researcher Eumel of Berlin

Except for the "big" cities, driving in Skandinavia is stressfree.

For example:
it was my first day on the road in Sweden. I was puzzled that everyone was driving in the middle of a two lane road (per direction, that is). I was going faster than the car in front. Suddenly this very car merged right and I could pass easily. - Try this on a german Autobahn. Good Luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Between Stockholm, North Cape, Lofoten and Oslo you meet only friendly people on the road. Right of way is never a subject.

By the way... While in Norway, make sure to visit the Lofoten. It is one of the most beautifuil places on this planet.

Stressfree Driving in Skandinavia

Post 2


Driving close to the middle of the road is a way to have a better chance to see rendear or elk when crossing the street before hidding them. I agree the Lofoten Islands are worth a visist, Tromsoe is also a good place to go, a brewery in arctic zone (the most northern brewery on this planet) and a planetarium (as well the most northern on planet, as far as I know). An intersting point is as well the main road partly down in the rock in tunnels, this way there is not this big problem of removing snow in arctic winter I guess.

Stressfree Driving in Skandinavia

Post 3

Researcher Rex

Watch out for caravan trucks when driving in Norway! Especially in Lofoten, where it's narrow roads and an infinite number of curves, caravan truck drivers tend to drive very slowly, or even in reverse in your lane, 'cos they just HAVE to take a picture of something. A vehicle in reverse is NOT particulary fun to suddenly encounter while doing 70 kmh round a curve... People have nearly killed themselves due to this...

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