This is the Message Centre for Weaver

I love you

Post 41


smiley - blush just reread that last post, what a hussy I can be with a glass of vino in hand, and a young boy poking me with a stick (well I guess it was a stick)

Anyway Weaver, I know you love this thread, so I thought I'd make you smile

So this is for a real mansmiley - smooch

I love you

Post 42


He's a person on the internet with a tendency to whinge: you don't get much further from a "real man" smiley - laugh

I love you

Post 43


Dude, your jealousy is getting ugly.

I love you

Post 44


Hey, just pointing out a big, fat, shining irony smiley - laugh

And while we're on the topic of ugly.... nah, never mind smiley - winkeye

I love you

Post 45


Ooh, you wouldn't let it lie!

Irony - is that like goldy, only made of iron?

I love you

Post 46


That's the one, Baldrick!

I love you

Post 47


ello darlin

haven't seen you round much, congrats on the 60worder by the way, it was a good experiment but I'm glad to be going back to the old way.

Anyway just called to say 'I love you'smiley - smooch

I love you

Post 48


Teel you what, there's no 'resting on your laurels' on this website. It's amazing how quick your threads dry up when you're not writing much.

I love you

Post 49


Hello sweetheart.

Not in talky form these days, you've gone all 'quiet man' on me

Lyndasmiley - hug

I love you

Post 50


Yeah, don't seem to have so much free time these days. How are ye?

I love you

Post 51


Ach, I'm grand, pet. Just not around as much as I used to be, am very busy at the moment, have to chase that dollar. But I'm in good form, looking forward to xmas, when I will be off work again.

But anyway here's a smiley - smooch for the cold nights ahead and asmiley - cheers on the strength of it. chat soon, my dear friendsmiley - hug

yours Lynda

I love you

Post 52


Ah, Christmas -where did 2004 go?

Take care, and don't work too hard!

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