This is the Message Centre for Bristol Cream

Aha, but then again not.

Post 1

Bristol Cream

 Today is a day in my life. I have spent some time sat at my personnal
computer doing this and I have had some food. Next Im going to have some
Lunch. Thats more food, and if Im luckt I might watch TV or do some work. Yes.

Aha, but then again not.

Post 2

Bristol Cream

Nice point m8.

Aha, but then again not.

Post 3

Bristol Cream

Yeah, not bad... But Im not sure I agree with the schematical drawings that dont accompany this thought. Is it, isnt it? Whats the answer?

Aha, but then again not.

Post 4

Bristol Cream

Nice point m8.

Aha, but then again not.

Post 5

Bristol Cream

Well, whatever, its not a barnicle. That would be silly a little like the size of this.
Am I a person...? I cannot actually physically answer that because I might be a God or a dog or a woman.
Owwwwwww. Maybe.

Aha, but then again not.

Post 6

Bristol Cream


Aha, but then again not. BUT?

Post 7

Stoo (researcher 35684)


You'll have to stop talking to yourself...nutter!


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