This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

A lovely letter

Post 1

Mark Pettifer

A great letter Sally - 'power to your nib!'

A lovely letter

Post 2

Sally Quilford

Cheers Mark. I'm getting a bit annoyed at the attitude of some people (as you may guess from my last message on your thread! Sorry...smiley - erm). We don't have to wait for permission to write to the beeb about this, and neither can we sit around moaning about it, but just letting it happen.

Personally, I don't think the beeb are going to alter their decision just on the say so of a few members. They need prodding from other directions.

Thanks again smiley - ok


A lovely letter

Post 3


Hello Sally

Must say I agree totaly with what u say regards "Half Baked Ideas." And, yes, you are right it is the same old folks who somehow have to run the show. We're all equal, its just some of us are more equal then others, eh! Kitty Red did a marvellous job chairing the meeting the other night; Gergory N has wrote a marvellous draft letter, too, but that doesnt mean to say we cannot do what we believe is the right thing, now does it? regards saving GW. Some of the posts Ive read over the last few days regards the closure of this site are just so ridiculous to be taken seriously. So much sucking up; so much crawling - makes one cringe, it really does.


PS You do what you believe is right, and good luck!

A lovely letter

Post 4

Sally Quilford

Thanks David, your support means a lot. I don't think I've got many friends here at the moment.

I'm not against group action at all, and have been supporting every effort I've come across on the site in the past few days, including Kitty's and Greg's and I don't really want to get into a slanging match with anyone. I made my point to Kitty about her comments and that was that as far as I'm concerned.

I just think that we have the right as individuals to write or email the ptb and put our personal points across as well as joining the group action. The group letter will do a lot of good, but hundreds of stories of what GW has done for each member will bring home how important the site is to people.

It would be nice if the people asking support for group action were just as supportive to those who are making individual efforts to put their point across to the ptb.

Thanks again for your message. It's cheered me up a little this morning.


A lovely letter

Post 5


Good on ya Sally, I have written to my MSP jim Wallace ASKING FOR HIS HELP IN THIS MATTER we need to take the kid gloves off and show the beeb that we mean business, I for one have paid my TV licence and for what, just a load of ald rubbish that no one wants to watch or listen to. So In paying my full amount to the beeb I feel that we should at least let them how I feel at their decision to axe our site. IT IS CRAP some say it is a free bee but think again we have paid for their fat back sides to sit in the seats we put them in, so they should infact listen to our grievences, we are not an empty voice, but I wish more GW folks would get the finger out of their asses and do something to help.

Corry the

A lovely letter

Post 6

Sally Quilford

Thanks Corry. I agree that we do pay for this site, in our licence fee. I'm also a great believer in education being free to all anyway. Not everyone does have to pay for education.

As I've said in previous threads, individuals don't have to wait for permission to act on their own accord. We can write emails and letters to the ptb, our MPs, and anyone else who might be interested in the demise of GW. That doesn't rule out group action, but thousands of emails dropping into the Beeb's inbox is going to have a mighty impact.

smiley - ok


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