This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

Womens Fiction Group

Post 1


Good evening Sally, I'm writing to ask whether you have space for another member in your group.
I've been an ordinary member on GW for the last year or so and samples of my writing are available under the name of OZ. 'The Other Michael Owen' is one I wrote with the Womag market in mind.
More recently I'm just finishing off my first novel 'Long Journey Home' which again is a Womans fiction story told first party from the perspective of a mid twenties Irish Rock chick. The mid twenties relating to her age rather than the era. The short stories were a means of improving my technique for the novel, particularly on matters such as perspective and believable dialogue.
But selling a novel is a long and risky business. Having just given up work to concentrate on writing full time I'd like to improve my short story technique next and would appreciate the help I could gain from being a member of your group.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Chris (OZ)
smiley - magic

Womens Fiction Group

Post 2

Sally Quilford

Hi Chris
Sorry I haven't got back to you sooner. I've been away for the weekend. You're welcome to join the group. I've just okayed a load of memberships and yours was amongst them. I'm overwhelmed by how well the group has taken off in such a short space of time. We have a few members who are old hands at the women's mag writing game, so can pass on loads of tips.

I'll look forward to chatting with you in the group smiley - ok


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