This is the Message Centre for Sally Quilford

your webiste

Post 1


Just had a look at your website. Wow! You are an impressive lady. I hope I can equal your acheivements in the next 10 years.

I read The Maiden's Tale and Dear Miss Havisham. (Kind of interesting after my last comments on fanfic!!) I like them a lot. Have you read the Thursday Next books at all? Very hard to take Miss Havisham seriously after that! And I'm glad you like the LOTR trilogy too. Doesn't Elrond have lovely hair?!

It's nice to hear from someone a bit further on than me. Shows you what can be done! All the best with your writing. smiley - smiley


your webiste

Post 2

Sally Quilford

Thanks Stardreamer. I'm nowhere near where I want to be yet, but, believe it or not, most of what I've done so far has taken place in the last eighteen months. I wasn't trying very hard before then as I was bringing up my family. Then last year I made a promise to some friends that I'd get myself published again before 2003 was over. er... I was also supposed to have lost weight, but we can't do it all, eh? smiley - winkeye

Good luck with your writing!


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