A Conversation for Things That Make Your Skin Crawl


Post 1


Flee from the silent horror that is the Mime. Using the horribly sadistic black art known as "pantomime" from which they derive their name, mimes lurk on streets in their black leotards with their deathly white faces, moving soundlessly in horrible imitation of simple daily actions, making their living from the contributions of innocents who know not what they do when they give money to these despicible fragments of nightmare come to life. Be fearful of these creatures of blackness, upon whom to look is insanity itself. You have been warned.


Post 2


.....but what about Marcel Marceau!! I don't think that he does a lot of lurking on street corners!!
shazz smiley - winkeye


Post 3


He probably lurked back in his college days. And I'm talking about the mimes that stand on corners and engage in vicious silent mockery of the passerby in exchange for ready cash.


Post 4


ah yes!!.....they certainly can be vicious!! Have you had a bad experience with one,or are you just inundated with them in your neck of the woods?!
shazz smiley - winkeye


Post 5

Dr. Strangelove

If a tree falls in a wood and there's no one there - will it make any noise?
if a tree falls in a wood on top of a mime - will anyone care?


Post 6


......well,the host of this page certainly won't smiley - winkeye


Post 7


I wouldn't care at all. I used to have a Far Side cartoon expressing the same sentiment. It made me happy. But my favorite bit about mimes was another Far Side whose caption read, as near as I can remember "In one of its more horrific methods of retribution, the Mafia would sometimes dress its victims as mimes and place them in small glass boxes to perish slowly and in full view of the public." with an illustration of a guy in a mime suit pressing against the inside of a glass box that was sitting in the middle of a sidewalk with people milling about it and occaisonally pointing. Hmm. My sense of lingistic non-irritance has just been irritated by the previous run-on sentence. Oh well.


Post 8

Captain Armadillo

The best thing I can say about mimes is that they never have run-on sentences.


Post 9


Last year, I performed as a clown in an interactive Murder Mystery. I had no motive to kill the victim and prsented myself as an excitable but harmless neurotic one. Instead of traditional red-nose, curly-hair clown attire, I dressed in black and white and painted my face as a mime. That night, I received a significant percentage of the votes that pointed to me as the killer.

Conclusion: People Fear Mimes.

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