A Conversation for Things That Make Your Skin Crawl
47318 - I am a number not a free man Started conversation Aug 16, 1999
The one thing that really sets me going is heights.
Take me somewhere high, and the usual symptoms happen - sweaty palms, shiver down the spine, sinking feeling in the gut...
The thing is, it's not a rational fear (are they ever?) - I went up the World Trade Center in New York, and went up on to the roof (big mistake, I know!). Despite the fact that you are on a raised walkway at least 50ft away from the edge of the roof, I was still cowering in fear (and I know I'm not the only one!)
But I can get used to heights - I don't mind climbing up an 8ft ladder to my loft, I can stand on the 3rd floor balcony outside my flat, and I'm OK.
Anybody else have fears that they sometimes get used to?
Cheerful Dragon Posted Aug 16, 1999
With me, it's not the height that's the problem, it's the drop. The difference is subtle, but important. I'm OK as long as I think there's no chance of me falling, so give me a nice solid railing or wall between me and the drop and I'm fine. The minute my brain thinks there's even a remote chance of falling I'm a quivering wreck. And I mean remote. I've stood on stairs where the gap between each step is only a few inches, and on piers where the gap between the planks is less than an inch. In each case, for some 'reason', my brain decided that there was a 'risk', and I almost froze!
Ginger The Feisty Posted Aug 16, 1999
I'd call mine fear of falling too - and it's getting worse! The modern curse is shopping malls with glass elevators and glass sided stairs with gaps between the steps - I just cannot go to these places!
Researcher 32963 or Tomrat Posted Aug 26, 1999
Heights are a very strange fear. I have been at the World Trade Centre with no problems. However a trip several years ago to Bristol UK left me nearly rigid with fear. There used to be a viewing platform near the Clifton Suspension Bridge which opens out over the gorge.Unfortunately the platform was metal whickerwork, which means you could stand out on it, and it could appear you are standing on nothing. UGGGGGGGh. Even though it was several years ago, I still think of it.
Ginger The Feisty Posted Aug 26, 1999
Went to Virgin cinema in Crawley at the weekend and our film was in screen twelve which meant walking up 3 flights of stairs (glass sides) and then down a long walk way (glass sides) with views right down to the gound (glass sided building as well). The walk way felt like it was unsupported. There were people waiting and Doug tried getting me to look at him rather than look down but I just had this compelling urge to lie on the floor and hold onto the carpet while screaming very loudly. Luckily he managed to rush me into the screen which felt like solid ground which was okay.
On the way out we made a run for the lift which thankfully didn't have glass sides. Next time we are going to see something on the ground floor!
Darreny-Warreny (32619) Posted Aug 27, 1999
I'm a Vespaphobe (wasps), and I always thought that my phobia would extend to all species of wasp: I'd only ever encountered the common wasp, /vespula vulgaris/, and its larger but otherwise identical cousin, the european hornet.
But on holiday ( /vacation/whatever) last month, I slept in a room in an old cottage where there were wood-wasps in the eaves, and it didn't bother me at all. I was very surprised, as they were coming and going to the nest all night. Perhaps it's the case that the larger or uglier the wasp, the greater the sense of fear and loathing that I feel.
BTW, heights don't bother me at all, and neither do other insects. But prawns... Well, don't get me started on prawns...
Wood Nymph Posted Sep 4, 1999
I once visited a privately-owned lighthouse when I was about twelve. To get up to the lamp section required going up a flight of steps without railings. I really wanted to go up there, and I knew I would have been fine at the top, but the feeling that I would fall trying to get up those stairs kept me frozen on the ground.
47318 - I am a number not a free man Posted Sep 6, 1999
Apparently so...
...so what's the thing with prawns, then?
Grinning, running & ducking for cover very quickly
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: 47318 - I am a number not a free man (Aug 16, 1999)
- 2: Cheerful Dragon (Aug 16, 1999)
- 3: Ginger The Feisty (Aug 16, 1999)
- 4: Researcher 32963 or Tomrat (Aug 26, 1999)
- 5: Ginger The Feisty (Aug 26, 1999)
- 6: Darreny-Warreny (32619) (Aug 27, 1999)
- 7: Wood Nymph (Sep 4, 1999)
- 8: Darreny-Warreny (32619) (Sep 6, 1999)
- 9: 47318 - I am a number not a free man (Sep 6, 1999)
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