A Conversation for Cell Phones

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A71108552 - Cell Phones

Post 1


Entry: Cell Phones - A71108552
Author: Keegs - U14540747

I do not know how to make my headings bold and such. I would also love any tips and constructive criticism anyone may have. thanks to anyone who helps!

A71108552 - Cell Phones

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

We already have an Entry on cell phones, although we call them Mobile Phones in British English. It's at A112366. It was written in 1999, so it may be out of date. We don't consider having two entries about the same thing, but it is possible to replace the existing one with a new one, or to combine it with material from a new one. Perhaps you should consider doing this.

To put the headers in, you need to use GuideML, which is slightly tricky to get started on, but once you get the hang of it, it is easy enough. I'll give you instructions if you like.

A71108552 - Cell Phones

Post 3


Oops! Being an American, I simply searched cell phones, thank you for telling me. Instructions on the headings would be lovely. Also, just wondering, but is the the guide limited to only factual information, or are we allowed to take it in a fictional Douglas Adams-esque direction as well. I know that the alternitave writing workshop, etc are there for that kind of thing, but I suppose I am looking for a little more clarification of how factual the entries have to be. Thanks

A71108552 - Cell Phones

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

Entries in the Edited Guide are intended to be factual. There's nothing to stop you from sprucing them up with humour, if you're that way inclined, but you still have to keep to facts.

A71108552 - Cell Phones

Post 5


I propose Back to Entry - the author appears to have smiley - elvised and this article is on a topic already covered and updated in the Guide. I don't think this article provides any new information, unfortunately.


A71108552 - Cell Phones

Post 6

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Seconded smiley - ok

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