Cell Phones

1 Conversation


Cell phones are mainly used for novelty ring tones, applications, and listening to one's favorite music. A lesser known, yet also quite useful function of the cell phone is it's communication ability. When a cell phone is bought from one of the various retailers such as AT&T, Verizon, or T-Mobile, the customer is assigned a phone number. This phone number can be used by anyone in the world who also owns a cell phone to talk to the owner of that number.


The invention and distribution of the cell phone worldwide has made pay phones and land lines near obsolete. As long as the user of the cell phone has service in a particular area, they are able to call and other phone on the planet. This has caused people to be more connected with one another, and improved communication o the point of extreme global awareness.

Are They Essential?

The use of cell phones is by no means essential, however they extend communication ability through the entirety of the Earth and, in some other cases, even further. So if you are an earthling looking to transport music, use applications on the go, and play all of your favorite novelty ring tones, a cell phone is an absolute necessity.

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